Numeric and decimal data types

  • According to BOL  numeric and decimal are equivalent datatypes. It is recommended that decimal be used since numeric is being maintained only for backwards compatibility and may not be implemented in new versions of SQL.  I have an old database with lots of columns defined as numeric.  In the interest of moving forward I planned on making any new columns decimal with the plan to eventually convert all the old columns and application code to decimal.  When I try to make a foreign key constraint with the new column I get a datatype conflict error message.  I cannot make a constraint between columns with numeric and decimal datatypes even though they are both defined with the same precision and scale.  Is there any way around this?  Also, will support for numeric be continued in SQL 2005.  I haven't been able to find any information on this issue.

    Error message:

    Server: Msg 1778, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'dbo.PHIMS_USER.USER_Id' is not the same data type as referencing column 'Phims_User_Auth.pua_user_id' in foreign key 'FK_Phims_User_Auth_PHIMS_USER'.

    Server: Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.


  • Unfortunatly, SQL 7 or greater will not allow a constraint between two different data types or two identical datatypes with different sizes, even if they are "functionally identical".

    So, what you are typing to do will not work unless BOTH columns are of the same datatype and dimension.

    Change both columns to decimal and your query will work.

    Now, here's a cursor I wrote a while ago to change every column that was a float or numeric data type to an integer.  It may help get you started on your task

    DECLARE @s-2 varchar(200)

    DECLARE @sid int

    DECLARE @tabname sysname

    DECLARE @colname sysname


     SELECT name, id

     FROM sysobjects

     WHERE xtype = 'U'

     AND name <> 'dtproperties'

     ORDER BY name

    OPEN tab_cur

    FETCH NEXT FROM tab_cur INTO @tabname, @sid

    WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin

     PRINT 'Table: ' + @tabname



      FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o

      WHERE =

      AND c.xtype IN

      (SELECT xtype

      FROM systypes

      WHERE name IN ('float', 'numeric'))

      AND = @tabname

     OPEN col_cur

     FETCH NEXT FROM col_cur INTO @colname

     WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin

      SET @s-2 = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @tabname + ' ALTER COLUMN ' + @colname + ' int NULL'



      FETCH NEXT FROM col_cur INTO @colname


     CLOSE col_cur

     DEALLOCATE col_cur

     FETCH NEXT FROM tab_cur INTO @tabname, @sid


    CLOSE tab_cur

    DEALLOCATE tab_cur


    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Thanks Michael.  Do you know if numeric will still be supported in SQL2005?

  • Unfortunatly, I do not. 

    Download the beta and try to create a table.  Then you can let all of us know!

    Actually, there is a forum for SQL server 2005 on this site.  Post there.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • I might be wrong, but I think the NUMERIC data type is still included in the SQL 2003 Standard. So, I guess it will take some time, before one can really speak of backward compatibility.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Numeric is supported on SQL 2005 Beta 2.

  • If you want to upgrade your existing apps and DB from Numeric to Decimal, there is hardly anything to do.

    First, create your F-Key before changing any data type.  Next, from either table with the F-Key, change the Data Type to be Decimal and it will automatically update the other Table's Data Type to be Decimal as well.   One thing I can't understand is why you have a Decimal as a P-Key?

    If your apps are programmed with VB or .NET, there is no need to change any code from Numeric to Decimal.  It's the same thing as far as programing is concerned...both are Decimals.

  • Thanks Everyone for all your help.  We can consider this thread done!



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