August 9, 2003 at 5:38 am
Please excuse my lack of knowledge, but I'm trying to get the equivalent of a row number as part of my recordset.
For example, if the data is:
4, 100
9, 200
where the first column is just arbitrary for this purpose, i need to number these rows as part of a rowset.
Any help to this problem is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
August 9, 2003 at 3:25 pm
There's no Oracle-equivalent ROWNUM in SQL Server unfortunately. However, either of the follow methods can be used if you have column/s that uniquely identify each row.
If no unique key columns then you might have to just use the latter method:
use pubs
RowNum = (select count(*) from authors [a1] where a1.au_id <= a2.au_id)
,* from authors [a2]
order by au_id
RowNum = IDENTITY(INT,1,1)
,* INTO #authors from authors
order by au_id
select* from #authors
- Mark
- Mark
August 11, 2003 at 9:03 am
This is in reply to Mark's post.
You could also use a variable of type TABLE instead of a temporary table.
I wonder which of the 2 methods is the more efficicent?
August 12, 2003 at 7:04 am
Thanks for the replies! I will try them both. I figured it would include a temporary table, but with my limited knowledge I wasn't sure of a way to avoid that. Thanks again!
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