number rows by group

  • I haver a query that i need to add row numbers by group.

    Can someone please help?

    This is the sql i have:

    if object_id('tempdb..#TempWinShuttle') is not null

    drop table #TempWinShuttle

    create table #TempWinShuttle (row int ,id nchar (10),orderid nvarchar (100),material nvarchar (50)

    , billto_id nvarchar (100),shipto_id nvarchar (50),shipped_quantity int,materialhidden nvarchar (50)

    ,Orderhidden nvarchar (50))

    insert into #TempWinShuttle

    select DISTINCT 1 row

    ,'' as Material,shipto.billto_id as billto_id,shipto.shipto_id shipto_id

    ,'' AS shipped_quantity,'' as materialhidden

    ,packlist.order_id as Orderhidden

    from packlist

    inner join shipto on shipto.shipto_id=packlist.shipto_id

    inner join carton c on c.packlist_id=packlist.packlist_id

    inner join (select sum(cartonitem_quantity) cartonitem_quantity

    ,cartonitem_style_code+'-'+cartonitem_color_code as material,packlist.order_id

    from cartonitem inner join carton on carton.carton_id=cartonitem.carton_id

    inner join packlist on packlist.packlist_id=carton.packlist_id

    and packlist.order_id is not null

    group by cartonitem_style_code+'-'+cartonitem_color_code ,packlist.order_id) cartonitem

    on cartonitem.order_id=packlist.order_idwhere packlist_status=1

    AND packlist.PACKLIST_ID NOT IN (select packlist_id from dbo.WinShuttleARPReport)

    and packlist.order_id in('1035','4119')

    insert into #TempWinShuttle

    select DISTINCT 2 row

    ,'D',packlist.order_id as order_id,material AS Material

    ,'' as billto_id,'' shipto_id

    ,'' AS shipped_quantity

    ,material as materialhidden,packlist.order_id as Orderhiddenfrom packlist

    inner join shipto on shipto.shipto_id=packlist.shipto_id

    inner join carton c on c.packlist_id=packlist.packlist_id

    inner join (select sum(cartonitem_quantity) cartonitem_quantity

    ,cartonitem_style_code+'-'+cartonitem_color_code as material

    ,packlist.order_idfrom cartonitem

    inner join carton on carton.carton_id=cartonitem.carton_id

    inner join packlist on packlist.packlist_id=carton.packlist_id

    and packlist.order_id is not null

    group by cartonitem_style_code+'-'+cartonitem_color_code ,packlist.order_id) cartonitem

    on cartonitem.order_id=packlist.order_id

    where packlist_status=1

    AND packlist.PACKLIST_ID NOT IN (select packlist_id from dbo.WinShuttleARPReport)

    and packlist.order_id in('1035','4119')

    insert into #TempWinShuttle

    select DISTINCT 3 row

    ,'D1',packlist.order_id as order_id

    ,'' AS Material,'' as billto_id

    ,'' shipto_id ,cartonitem_quantity AS shipped_quantity,material as materialhidden

    ,packlist.order_id as Orderhiddenfrom packlist

    inner join shipto on shipto.shipto_id=packlist.shipto_id

    inner join carton c on c.packlist_id=packlist.packlist_id

    inner join (select sum(cartonitem_quantity)


    as material,packlist.order_idfrom cartonitem

    inner join carton on carton.carton_id=cartonitem.carton_id

    inner join packlist on packlist.packlist_id=carton.packlist_idand packlist.order_id is not null

    group by cartonitem_style_code+'-'+cartonitem_color_code ,packlist.order_id) cartonitem on


    where packlist_status=1

    AND packlist.PACKLIST_ID NOT IN (select packlist_id from dbo.WinShuttleARPReport)

    and packlist.order_id in('1035','4119')

    select distinct row as oldrow,id,orderid+ '- ARP' AS orderid


    ,Row_number()Over(Partition by orderhidden,id order by row) as newrow

    from #TempWinShuttleorder

    by oldrow,orderid,newrow

    The results are desired results are in the screenshot in the link:

    How can i fix my sql to get the desired results?


  • Use a column list for each of your three inserts into the temp table so that you know for sure that your query output columns are going into the correct columns in the temp table. Here's an example for the first of the three queries - check that it's correct, then do the same for the other two.

    This won't answer your posted question but it may make your results more consistent with your expectations.

    -- First INSERT

    insert into #TempWinShuttle (row, Material, billto_id, shipto_id, shipped_quantity, materialhidden, Orderhidden)

    select DISTINCT 1 row

    ,'' as Material

    ,s.billto_id as billto_id

    ,s.shipto_id shipto_id

    ,'' AS shipped_quantity,

    '' as materialhidden

    ,p.order_id as Orderhidden

    from packlist p

    inner join shipto s on s.shipto_id = p.shipto_id

    inner join carton c on c.packlist_id = p.packlist_id

    inner join (

    select sum(cartonitem_quantity) cartonitem_quantity

    ,cartonitem_style_code+'-'+cartonitem_color_code as material


    from cartonitem

    inner join carton on carton.carton_id = cartonitem.carton_id

    inner join packlist on packlist.packlist_id = carton.packlist_id and packlist.order_id is not null

    group by cartonitem_style_code+'-'+cartonitem_color_code


    ) cartonitem on cartonitem.order_id = p.order_id

    WHERE packlist_status = 1

    AND p.PACKLIST_ID NOT IN (select packlist_id from dbo.WinShuttleARPReport)

    and p.order_id in ('1035','4119')



    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

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  • It's hard to tell from that what rows you're removing. What is the criteria on which you want to build results? For each ID, I need all the ORDERIDs, or just the first one, the sum of quantity, etc.

    I think you need to sum things somewhere, but it's not clear what you're looking for.

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