Number of Transactions

  • I have read in various sources that a certain database handles X number of transactions per second or some other time frame. My question is I would like to determine how many transactions per second our database is handling. Does anyone know how I can do this? Do I need a 3rd party tool?



  • I expect someone else to have a better idea, but I believe Profiler could be used to monitor transactions. You could then record the results to a table for a certain duration. When done, count the number of transactions logged to the table and divide into the time duration. Since timestamp should/could be logged as well you could record for an entire day and then find out average transactions for each hour during the day with the propper SQL query.

  • Check perfmon counter Transactions/Sec under the object SQL Server Databases. You can specify the database also.

  • I'm not sure, but maybe the number of transactions per second you read about, is obtained from a specific standard benchmark. Since not all transactions are the same, comparing the perfmon conter with the transactions per second you read about in various sources, is like comparing apples with oranges. But i repeat, I'm not 100% sure about this.

  • The profiler counter gives you submitted batches and that may not be single transactions. It is a good indicator though. Just realize if you use profiler to try and capure the TPS you will eat up a chunk of the servers power around 15% or so. I would agree with Alin that it is a preset bentch mark like TPC benchmarks.


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