Number of DBs Supported

  • Running SQL Cluster with approx 16 150-200mb databases on one server and 1-1gb database on the other. Our DBA has said that the number of backup files, transaction logs, job logs is creating too much work on the network. Also, increasing the load on our backup server (which has copies of all db's and serves as a report server).

    I wanted to get some takes on if this seems reasonable? From my reading this isn't extreme.


  • What do you mean too much work on the network?

  • Is your dba a network engineer? Be careful here. Someone needs to sniff the network and provide evidence of being "too much work"

    Also, what does that mean? Things are slow?

    Doesn't sound like too big a server, but it depends on how the server is working.

    Steve Jones

  • I agree, this sounds like someone making comments out there backend without checking things. Have him provide you how he has determined this first off. I mean what bandwidth is your network and how is he measuring levels? Also, he could just be seeing a bottleneck at the NIC at those points which is not really a network issue perse. Could be you need to setup an additional NIC to process the traffic or revaluate when and how you do the backups. Could also be other issues but need to find out how he has made his determination.

  • In the days before the company upgraded the network to 100Mbits the system engineer installed a second network card(100Mbits) on my Pc and another card (100Mbits) on the my SQL Development box with a direct network cable between the two. Thus I had my own link to SQL for backups, loading , datawarehouse, etc. without bothering any one else. It helped in the interim to handle 10Gb databases until the infra was upgraded.

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