• Hi every one, here iam comparing two tables and want to delete the records from first table if there are matchnig records in both the tables, but the problem is there are null values in both the tables so can any one suggest how to deal with the null values in this situation, here iam providing the code for the query which iam using can some one please help me out

    DELETE FROM Table_3


    ( select *

    from Table_1

    where Table_3 .Reqnr = Table_1.Reqnr

    and Table_3 .Description = Table_1.Description and

  • Do you want to delete matching NULLs? Use an OR clause -OR (a is null and b is null)

  • Hello,

    When you have two values you want to compare and either one may be a null, then you use the IsNull function with a default value that's meaningful.

    For example:

    select count(a.*)

    from tableA a,

    tableB b

    where IsNull(a.field1,0) = IsNull(b.field1,0)

    The assumption is that the value 0 may be a default value for an integer.

    This is also useful on date comparisons in the where clause.

    where IsNull(a.order_date, '2008-01-01' ) = IsNull(b.order_date, '2008-01-01')

    Hope this helps.



  • thank you very much i tried the


    it worked

    thanks again

  • Hmmm... I would have written it this way.

    DELETE t3

    FROM dbo.Table_3 t3

    JOIN dbo.Table_1 t1

    ON t3.Reqnr = t1.Reqnr

    AND t3.Description = t1.Description

    AND =

    Note that I'm not worrying about NULLS as the joins will treat them the way the DB is set to deal with nulls.

    If you want to treat a NULL = NULL then you will want to use ISNULL(field,'') = ISNULL(field,'').

    To me doing the join this way is easier to read... Plus I can test it ahead of time by remarking out the delete line and putting in a select statement... 🙂

    Gary Johnson
    Sr Database Engineer

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