Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET

  • Hi,

    I appreciate if somebody can help me out withthe following warning occuring in one of the job.This job uses like 50 stored procedures and Can any body tell me how to capture information about which stored procedure or sql statement causing this warning.Can I use profiler someway?

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET


    I don't want to switch off ANSI_WARNING.









  • Sree-

    Option I:

    Turn on profiler to trace all errors and stored procedures. Check the proc name where the error appears

    Option II:

    Go step by step in the job for each procedure query analyzer until you hit the "set" error. (this is the long way)

    Option III: update all procedures with error code to print out errors and more importantly the procedures name when it fails so you can at least narrow down the sp name.

    Hope this helps.

    Jonas Irwin

  • Sree-

    Option I:

    Turn on profiler to trace all errors and stored procs.

    Option II:

    Go step by step in the job for each proc query analyzer until you hit the "set" error.

    Option III: update all procs with error code to spit out errors and more importantly the procerdure name when it fails so you can at least narrow the sp name.

    Hope this helps.

    Jonas Irwin

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