Null Dates and Case Statment Help PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hello all, First after 20 hours of looking at this I am a little brain dead so here goes.

    I have 3 tables in a join to pull data, the second table is only to get information from the third table. That's the scenario. I need a case statement or something in there to produce the following

    1. record exist in first table

    2. record doesn't exist in second table (joined to 3rd table)

    Here is what I need (kinda, it's not working)




    when ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext != null then ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext

    else No license or Expired license' end as TestDate

    FROM ce_individual_license_ext INNER JOIN

    ce_individual_license ON ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_key_ext = ce_individual_license.ixl_key INNER JOIN

    co_customer ON ce_individual_license.ixl_ind_cst_key = co_customer.cst_key

  • Stephen - unless you override the ANSI NULLS setting (which is not recommended), any arithmetic comparison to NULL is false. so

    a=NULL ---> FALSE

    A<>NULL --->FALSE

    A>NULL --->FALSE, etc....

    Just about the only thing you have is to test whether it is null or not, so -

    A is NULL


    A is not NULL

    A less preferrable way to do that is to use ISNULL to approximate unknown values to some value you pick, e.g.

    Isnull(A, -1)=-1

    So - you only need one small change from what I can see (look for the bold). And - there's a missing quote in there...




    when ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext

    is not null /*here's the change to the NULL*/

    then ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext

    else '/*you also missed this quote*/No license or Expired license' end as TestDate

    FROM ce_individual_license_ext INNER JOIN

    ce_individual_license ON ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_key_ext = ce_individual_license.ixl_key INNER JOIN

    co_customer ON ce_individual_license.ixl_ind_cst_key = co_customer.cst_key

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Here is the result I am getting, I had the original part of is not null in there

    Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string

  • You have to explicitly convert the datetime ixl_expire_date_ext column to character data type since case statement could only return a value of same data type.

    The case statement should look like....

    Case when ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext is not null

    then convert( varchar(10), ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext, 112 )

    --You can specify your own style above

    else 'No license or Expired license' end


  • That must be because the value ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext

    is a DATETIME field. So - convert it to a varchar(50) so that you can get your error message in there.





    when ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext

    is not null /*here's the change to the NULL*/


    convert(varchar(50), ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext,102)

    else 'No license or Expired license' end as TestDate

    FROM ce_individual_license_ext INNER JOIN

    ce_individual_license ON ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_key_ext = ce_individual_license.ixl_key INNER JOIN

    co_customer ON ce_individual_license.ixl_ind_cst_key = co_customer.cst_key

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Ok, let me go back to original question. Here is what I need

    I need to find all customers who have a license to print the license date if it exist. If they don't have one. Then print 'No licence'

    Let's say it's only a 2 table join, Record exist in Table 1 but not in table to on the join (Ie not custID in the second table) I want to take the custid in the first table and put it in the record set with a following text in the second column 'No License'

    Sorry if I wasn't clear on this.

    so here is what I am using


    substring(co_customer.cst_id,4,6)as cst_id,

    Case when ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext is not null

    then ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext

    else 'No license' end as Test

    FROM ce_individual_license_ext INNER JOIN

    ce_individual_license ON ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_key_ext = ce_individual_license.ixl_key INNER JOIN

    co_customer ON ce_individual_license.ixl_ind_cst_key = co_customer.cst_key

  • I think I have it, It has to be a Right Outer Join on CO_customer table in order for it to work.

    SELECT SUBSTRING(co_customer.cst_id, 4, 6) AS cst_id,


    CASE WHEN ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext IS NOT NULL THEN CONVERT(varchar(10),

    ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_expire_date_ext, 112) ELSE 'No license or Expired license' END AS Test

    FROM ce_individual_license_ext INNER JOIN

    ce_individual_license ON ce_individual_license_ext.ixl_key_ext = ce_individual_license.ixl_key RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    co_customer ON ce_individual_license.ixl_ind_cst_key = co_customer.cst_key

    Where SUBSTRING(co_customer.cst_id, 4, 6) = '008403'

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