nt_username in sysprocesses table is blank in one server and not in the other.

  • Mike:

    When I go to my local server and perform Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server, Server Network Utility, I get an error box with 126 in the Title and "The specified module could not be found" in the body of the message. I have checked and svrnetcn.exe and svrnetcn.dll are located in the c:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn directory. I get the same error when attempting to run svrnetcn.exe from Start Run svrnetcn.exe. 

    On the remote server I get the same error box when I try Start, Programs, etc. but it will run with Start, Run, svrnetcn. The remote server shows Names Pipes and TCP/IP as the enabled protocols in that order.

    Any ideas as to why I cannot get SQL Server Network Utility to run either from Start, Programs, ..... on both servers and Start, Run, on my local server?


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