Now Iam Production DBA please Help me

  • Hi all of u


    I got job as production DBA

    i don't want do with production enveronment

    can u some body help what r the duties

    how i prepar a plane to come Good Production DBA

  • Hi,

    There is nothing like getting your hands dirty.But the best palce to start off is to be read the books on line that comes with MS SQLServer

    -Read news groups like this ,as they show you what happens in the real 'world'

    -Get a mentor someone who has or is a DBA that can help yoou along the way

    -Also invest inyour self ie resources e.g books,magazines(SQL Mag)

    On what to do in production enviroment,

    -Look at backup and testing restore'

    -Performance issues

    -if you have used TSQL look at coding of the application been used ie Stored procedures

    before you do any changes on a live system ,always,always  use a test system before doing a change on live system

    hope that helps

    Ayo Coker




  • Automate as much as possible:  Disk space, alerts, dumps, optimizations, dbcc's.  The maintenance plans are great (no need to roll your own), and the wizard will walk you through it.

    Continuously monitor your systems until you get a feel for the expected load and usage patterns.

    Pay attention to errorlog messages, and look them up.  You'll learn which to ignore, but you need to know what they are first.

    Good luck!  Production support is a real rush.

    Regards, Melissa

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