Novice order by error question

  • Hi,

    Please advice, I'm buildind a query that return this error, I can't see error line

    ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator

    Use xxxx


    select ba,CC,desc, sum(case when Cdban = '01341' then S end) as '01341'

    from dbo.M

    where fo='A'and m='03'and Cdban = '01341'

    Group by ba,CC,desc

    union all

    select ba,CC,desc, sum(case when Cdban = '01111' then S end) as '01111'

    from dbo.M

    where fo='A'and m='03'and Cdban = '01111'

    Group by ba,CC,desc

    order by row_number() over (partition by ba order by CC)

    Thanks for your response

  • Well for 1 ROW_Number is not available in sql 2000 so I'll assume 2005.

    What happens is that the query is actually treated as such :


    SELECT * FROM Query1


    SELECT * FROM Query2

    ) dtUnionAll

    ORDER BY ...

    To fix you'll have to rewrite the query like I just did and it will work (might have to actually put the RN() function in the select as well... not thinking clearly atm and not 100% sure)...

  • Ok, perfect that is what i was looking for

    Thanks for your help


    SELECT * FROM Query1


    SELECT * FROM Query2

    ) dtUnionAll

    ORDER BY ...

    Is possible to pivot this resulting set ?

    Thanks for your ideas...

  • luismarinaray (6/3/2011)

    Ok, perfect that is what i was looking for

    Thanks for your help


    SELECT * FROM Query1


    SELECT * FROM Query2

    ) dtUnionAll

    ORDER BY ...

    Is possible to pivot this resulting set ?

    Thanks for your ideas...

    Everything is possible... what do you need?

  • Hi,

    Now,I need to pivot from the outer query some row transforms into columns.

    Since i need to preserve the order in what data has been loaded I was thinking in

    select * from (

    SELECT ba,Co,des,[00418]

    FROM (SELECT ba,Co,des,Con,Sal from as D

    PIVOT(SUM(Sal) for Con in ([00418])) AS P

    union all

    SELECT ba,Co,des,[01341]

    FROM (SELECT ba,Co,des,Con,Sal from as D

    PIVOT(SUM(Sal) for Con in ([01341])) AS P


    as r

    Order by row_number() over (partition by r.balance_id order by r.CodigoContable)

    But always return, the first inner query as titles only, I want to recover this data set plus

    second data set side by side.

    Does anybody have an Idea or I'm wrong?


    Thanks again

  • Does the first query actually return anything if your run it on it's own?

  • The first query return that columns pivoted and ok same situation second query, but what I need is to mix both query each pivoted column in that place.


    Ba CC Des 12345 Ba CC Des 09876

    OK ?

    Any Idea..


  • Put only 1 pivot once the union is done.

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