Not sure where to start looking for this

  • Many thanks to all and your time is appreciated...

    I frequently (once a month or so)get this error:

    Error: DB Error String: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]General network error.

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionRead {recv{}}. {SQL-01000}{DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1

    It goes away and then comes back... How do i track it and what in the wold is goin on with this. Not sure where to look and then like i said when i am looking the problem is NOT there..until well who knows when it comes back so kinda at a loss

    Any help is appreciated




  • Seems like a network related problem. May need to check with your network admin to set up monitoring.

    Here is a post similar to the error you have.

    Search “ConnectionRead(recv()).”

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