not exist statement help!!

  • Hi,

    I have 2 tables report (contains Raw data) and exceptions (filter for the Raw data). I'm trying to take "report" table and use the NOT EXISTS statement to filter with "exceptions" table but I'm having a problem.

    Select * from Report

    where NOT EXISTS ( select * from exceptions)

    No results are returned.

    do i have the right theory? please help.

  • bighow2008 (12/20/2011)


    I have 2 tables report (contains Raw data) and exceptions (filter for the Raw data). I'm trying to take "report" table and use the NOT EXISTS statement to filter with "exceptions" table but I'm having a problem.

    Select * from Report

    where NOT EXISTS ( select * from exceptions)

    No results are returned.

    do i have the right theory? please help.

    You are missing the join condition - how do you know which reports have exceptions? The exceptions table must have a column that identifies which report it belongs to, let's call it "report_id":

    select *

    from report r

    where not exists (select 1 from exceptions e where e.report_id = r.report_id)

  • usually, you use exists to detect a reference/relationship/join between the two:

    this is more like what i'd expect to see:



    FROM Report



    FROM exceptions

    WHERE exceptions.SomeColumn = Report.Somecolumn)


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    have a great holiday

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