not enough storage

  • Running SP4 -- get a not enough storage error, yet there is 258GB free space on my server, and the step in the package should only return 33 rows.  I can't even run it manually -- what should I be looking at to solve this?


  • Is tempdb full?

    Are the db files set to a fixed size?

  • Nope -- tempdb and other two db involved are all unrestricted filegrowth.

  • are you using Lookups in the DTS? I had this exact same issue running SP3 on Windows Server 2003, I upgraded to SP4 and this bug was fixed. Have you tried reinstalling SP4? There is a hotfix available for MS for this specific issues, but also included in latest download of SP4.

  • This is a long shot but check the Environment Variables under System Properties.  By default these are usually c:\temp and c:\tmp.  If your DTS process creates a temp file you should ensure that your variables are set to a drive that has adequate space.

  • Your log file is filling up.  Even if you have it set to unrestricted growth and have ample file space on the drive, it can still fill up.  Here is why...

    When the request is made to increase the log size, the file length increase in percentage defined in SQL is attempted to be allocated.  Since this is a rather slow process, the file cannot grow fast enough to handle the demand of your transaction. 

    You need to commit at smaller checkpoints as you import your data.  Try a value of 10000 records.

    -Mike Gercevich

  • Not using Lookups, and have the latest SP4.

    C drive has 8 GB free.

    The maximum number of records before each commit is only 33 rows.

  • Are you using linked servers heavily?  If so, you can add the -g startup parameter to increase memory in the virtual address space.  See BOL "Using Startup Options".


  • Also be sure you aren't using quotas on your server... or if you are, give the SQL service account unrestricted space.

    Talking from experience


  • Does the package have multiple tasks running in parallel?

    Run them in serial to minimize the memoery used.


  • All of the db are on the same server, as is the package itself. 

    All tasks are already running in serial.

    How do I find out about quotas?

  • I had this same problem on SP3 and SP4. This is how I solved it:

    On the DTS link between Connection 1 and Connection 2 click the Transform Data Task Property.

    Disable the "Use Fast Load Action". This allows for the TLOG to grow in time.



  • Sounded good, but did not work....

  • Try this link:


  • From your DTS package.  Are you able to successfully run each of the steps individually, one at a time?

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