Not able to view Synchronization Status at Subscriber

  • I have a snapshot replication between 2 servers using VPN. At Publisher, I am able to run the replication Manager and everything works. My boss-wants to view the Synchronization status at the subscriber-rather than at the publisher. When I click on view Synchronization status at the Subscriber, I get the awful message saying Failed to connect to server..A network-related or instance error occured while establishing connection to SQL server.

    Question-Is this doable? viewing Synchronization Status at Subscriber? If it is no doable why is the option there? Any assistance is most appreciated.

  • Check your firewall rules from Subscriber to Publisher. UDP port 1434 should be open to connect using SSMS and 1433 should also be open. Are these two servers on different domain?


  • Thanks for the response Roy. Yes-indeed both of these servers are on different domains. I also have another problem where I can ping from one server to the other-can connect using IP address-but can not connect using the server name. The host file has an entry for the server that I am trying to connect to. But somehow SQL just cannot see the other server. Thanks in advance for any help on this topic.

  • Do you have both named Pipes and TCP/IP enabled? Does the target server allow remote connections?


  • Check if the DNS service is enabled for name resolution to happen.


    Cheer Satish 🙂

  • When there is a local host file, the DNS entry is not needed if I am not mistaken.


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