Not able to connect to two sql instances on vmware

  • I am working on Always ON and my two nodes are in same domain and I have configured clustering without any storage or Quorum setting is "NO Majority".I did get warning for storage but as HAG does not need any storage I went ahead and started working with Sql HAG wizard but when I wanted to add secondary node for Replica i

    could not connect although no errors.

    Does not show any server in connection dialog box.

    I am working with Administrator permissions.

  • could you confirm the Operating System version on the 2 cluster nodes?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • It is windows server2008 R2 ENT edition sp1.Sql server 2012 ent 64 bit.

  • Ya I could resolve the issue...It was mine Firewall setup

    that was a culprit..

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