Not Able to Connect Sql 2005 Database in Sql 2000

  • Hai Every Body

    I Have a Database Which was attached in Sql Server 2005.When I Try To Attach it in Sql 2000 Server.

    I am not Able to attach it.Is there any Way to Attach it.

    Please Help Me.


  • What is your compatibility level set to on the database?

    To figure it out, right-click the database, go to Properties and then Options. I would bet that it's set to 2005 (like 80 or 90).

  • Hai

    Thanks for your Reply.

    When i Check the compatibility level it was SQL Server 2000(80).

    Still it was not attaching.

    What i observed is when i attach data base in higher version i.e. SQL Server 2005,it was not attaching in the lower version i.e. SQL Server 2000.

    Is there any way to attach?

  • You can attach to lower versions, but not higher ones.

  • You can not attach a database from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 regardless of the compatibility mode. Once you attach or restore a database from SQL Server 2000, it is for all intents and purposes a SQL Server 2005 database.

    The only way you will be able to move the database from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is to 1) Script out the all the database objects and run that on your SQL Server 2000 system, 2) use SSIS to move the data from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000.

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