Not able to Concatenate lastwaittype column in sysprocesses

  • Hi,

    Could anyone tell what is wrong with below query which is not producing desired result?

    Select cast(lastwaittype as varchar(100)) + ' Test String' FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE spid=51

    Any string concatenated before the column works fine but any concatenation operation at the end of the column gets discarded. Confused... Please help!

    My Blog ->

  • Your concatenation is actually working, but because you don't trim the trailing blanks you probably don't see the second part. Try using this instead:

    SELECT RTRIM(cast(lastwaittype as varchar(100))) + ' Test String'

    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    WHERE spid=51

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Hi Marcus,

    I tried that also marcus. For your reference, I'm attaching the output after running your query. Still no luck.

    Also I noticed one thing while experimenting, If we use like convert(varchar(5),lastwaittype) then all the columns get appended with the string but if we keep increasing the varchar length whichever the columns having data less than the length won't concatenate the string and others do.... May be if you try it practically you can understand what I mean....

    My Blog ->

  • Sakthivel Chidambaram (2/4/2009)

    May be if you try it practically you can understand what I mean....

    I've tested it on my system and it works.

    But I have noticed that when you use the results to grid option you don't see the last part, while when using results to text you will see the last part. Not sure why grid is showing the wrong result.



    SLEEP Test String

    RESOURCE_QUEUE Test String

    RESOURCE_QUEUE Test String

    PAGEIOLATCH_SH Test String

    WRITELOG Test String


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Just did some more testing and I noticed that then you run the query against a SQL 2000 server, then the second part is not visible in the grid, but against a 2005 server it works fine.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Yeah Marcus,

    It is like this

    Query Analyser -> SQL 2000 DB - It is not showing concatenated string in both Grid and Text

    Query Analyser -> SQL 2005 DB - Results are concatenated in both Grid and Text

    Mgmt Studio -> SQL 2000 DB - Results are concatenated in Text output but not in Grid

    Mgmt Studio -> SQL 2005 DB - Results are concatenated in both Grid and Text

    It it a bug or do we need to change any settings in Query Analyser / Enterprise Manager? Thanks in advance for your co-ordination!

    My Blog ->

  • I've noticed that if you run this query

    SELECT lastwaittype, LEN(lastwaittype) FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    the number of characters returned by the second column is one more than you would expect. This final character has character code 0. Therefore, it looks like the lastwaittype column is a C-style (null-terminated) string stored in an nchar(32). If you chop off this final null character before appending ' TestString', the query results display as you would expect.

    SELECT LEFT(lastwaittype, LEN(lastwaittype) - 1) + ' TestString'

    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE spid = 51

    I actually tested the above in SQL Server 2000 and Query Analyser, so maybe the behaviour is different in SQL Server 2005.

  • Hi Andrew,

    This query you gave works fine. Could you please tell me how you got ASCII value of the output? I tried to copy the output in QA and then use ASCII for each characeter but unable to find that "0" you have specified....

    My Blog ->

  • If you have a Tally table, run this

    SELECT P.lastwaittype, T.N, Code = ASCII(SUBSTRING(P.lastwaittype, T.N, 1))

    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses P

    CROSS JOIN dbo.Tally T

    WHERE P.spid = 51

    My query results on a SQL Server 2000 instance are as follows:

    [font="Courier New"]

    lastwaittype N Code

    -------------------------------- ----------- -----------

    NETWORKIO 1 78

    NETWORKIO 2 69

    NETWORKIO 3 84

    NETWORKIO 4 87

    NETWORKIO 5 79

    NETWORKIO 6 82

    NETWORKIO 7 75

    NETWORKIO 8 73

    NETWORKIO 9 79

    NETWORKIO 10 0

    NETWORKIO 11 32

    NETWORKIO 12 32

    NETWORKIO 13 32

    NETWORKIO 14 32

    NETWORKIO 15 32

    NETWORKIO 16 32

    NETWORKIO 17 32

    NETWORKIO 18 32

    NETWORKIO 19 32

    NETWORKIO 20 32

    NETWORKIO 21 32

    NETWORKIO 22 32

    NETWORKIO 23 32

    NETWORKIO 24 32

    NETWORKIO 25 32

    NETWORKIO 26 32

    NETWORKIO 27 32

    NETWORKIO 28 32

    NETWORKIO 29 32

    NETWORKIO 30 32

    NETWORKIO 31 32

    NETWORKIO 32 32


  • Hi Andrews,

    Thanks for your help. It works.

    My Blog ->

  • [font="Verdana"]Just a reminder. If one of the column values is null, then "null + 'Test String'" will return null.[/font]

  • Just a reminder. If one of the column values is null, then "null + 'Test String'" will return null.

    Quite true, but that's not relevant here.

    The concatenation problem doesn't affect SQL Server 2005 because there is no terminating character with character code 0 in the lastwaittype column of the sysprocesses view unlike the case of SQL Server 2000.

    However, there is a minor inconsistency in the SSMS query results pane.

    Try running the following query with the results in both text format and grid format - 'Second part' is not displayed in the grid.

    SELECT N'First part' + CHAR(0) + N'Second part'

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