Non-Cluster Index Bad Performance

  • I have a query that runs fine if I do not include Non-Clustered Indexed column in WHERE, but if I include this column, it take 5 times more time to execute.

    If I use this column, which has Non-Clustered Index, Query Execution Plan shows that the Non-Clustered Index Scan take 20% cost and just after this Bookmark Lookup Cost is 60%.

    I have to use this column in WHERE to limit result according to user provided input, but can’t afford the long execution time.

    My looks like:


    M.idt1, M.nme1, M.nmeP,

    R.varC, R.var_CD, O.nme_O


    fact_M M INNER JOIN

    dim_R R ON M.sur_id_M = R.sur_id_M INNER JOIN

    fact_I I ON M.sur_id_M = I.sur_id_M LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dim_O O ON M.dim_id_O = O.dim_id_O


    (R.ind_P = 1)

    AND (M.idt_P = @varP OR @varPIC IS NULL)

    AND (M.var_ Status = @varStatus OR @varStatus IS NULL)

    AND (I.dte_A BETWEEN @varBegin_Date AND @varEnd_Date)


    R.varC, M.idt1

    “M.idt_P” has Non-Cluster Index on it, if I remove this from WHERE, query runs fine, otherwise takes 5 times longer. I have tried couple of options but no use.

    Please let me know what Am I doing wrong? Or how can I make it faster?


  • It's probably faster for SQL to scan the entire table than scanning the index + bookmark lookup...

    Is it a big table?

    Have you tried creating a covering index?

  • Can you post the execution plans?

    It does sound like you need a covering index. A key lookup can be very expensive.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Did you try doing a derived table?

    Something like this.

    Select idt1,nme1,nmeP,varC, var_CD,nme_O from


    M.idt1, M.nme1, M.nmeP,

    R.varC, R.var_CD, O.nme_O, M.idt_P


    fact_M M INNER JOIN

    dim_R R ON M.sur_id_M = R.sur_id_M INNER JOIN

    fact_I I ON M.sur_id_M = I.sur_id_M LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dim_O O ON M.dim_id_O = O.dim_id_O


    (R.ind_P = 1)

    AND (M.var_ Status = @varStatus OR @varStatus IS NULL)

    AND (I.dte_A BETWEEN @varBegin_Date AND @varEnd_Date)) as x

    AND (M.idt_P = @varP OR @varPIC IS NULL)


    varC, idt1

    I am not sure if this work or not. But you can try.


  • I tried both Covering Index as well as Derived Table options, but no use :crying:

    Here is my actuall query:

    DECLARE @varBegin_Date datetime

    DECLARE @varEnd_Date datetime

    DECLARE @varCoSub varchar(100)

    DECLARE @varPIC int

    DECLARE @varStatus varchar(10)

    DECLARE @varInvoice_Status varchar(10)

    DECLARE @varTeam int

    set @varBegin_Date ='01/01/2004'

    set @varEnd_Date ='01/01/2005'

    set @varCoSub =null

    set @varPIC =null

    set @varStatus =null

    set @varInvoice_Status ='paid'

    set @varTeam = 33


    M.idt_Matter, M.nme_Matter, M.nme_PIC,

    R.var_CoSub, R.var_CoSub_Desc, R.var_RC, R.var_RC_Desc, R.var_GL,



    fact_Matter M INNER JOIN

    dim_Rollup R ON M.sur_id_Matter = R.sur_id_Matter LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dim_Organization O ON M.dim_id_Organization = O.dim_id_Organization


    (R.ind_Primary = 1)

    AND (M.idt_PIC = @varPIC OR @varPIC IS NULL)

    AND (M.var_Matter_Status = @varStatus OR @varStatus IS NULL)

    AND ((M.idt_Team = @varTeam OR M.idt_Practice_Group_Id = @varTeam ) OR @varTeam IS NULL)


    R.var_CoSub, M.idt_Matter,M.nme_PIC

    And here is its execution plan:



    (1 row(s) affected)



    (1 row(s) affected)


    DECLARE @varBegin_Date datetime

    DECLARE @varEnd_Date datetime

    DECLARE @varCoSub varchar(100)

    DECLARE @varPIC int

    DECLARE @varStatus varchar(10)

    DECLARE @varInvoice_Status varchar(10)

    DECLARE @varTeam int

    set @varBegin_Date ='01/01/2004'17102SELECT0

    set @varEnd_Date ='01/01/2005'18203SELECT0

    set @varCoSub =null19304SELECT0

    set @varPIC =null20405SELECT0

    set @varStatus =null21506SELECT0

    set @varInvoice_Status ='paid'22607SELECT0

    set @varTeam = 3323708SELECT0


    M.idt_Matter, M.nme_Matter, M.nme_PIC,

    R.var_CoSub, R.var_CoSub_Desc, R.var_RC, R.var_RC_Desc, R.var_GL,



    fact_Matter M INNER JOIN

    dim_Rollup R ON M.sur_id_Matter = R.sur_id_Matter LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dim_Organization O ON M.dim_id_Organization = O.dim_id_Organization


    (R.ind_Primary = 1)

    AND (M.idt_PIC = @varPIC OR @varPIC IS NULL)

    AND (M.var_Matter_Status = @varStatus OR @varStatus IS NULL)

    AND ((M.idt_Team = @varTeam OR M.idt_Practice_Group_Id = @varTeam ) OR @varTeam IS NULL)


    R.var_CoSub, M.idt_Matter,M.nme_PIC24809194.532915.0178246SELECT0

    |--Sort(DISTINCT ORDER BY:([R].[var_CoSub] ASC, [M].[idt_Matter] ASC, [M].[nme_PIC] ASC, [M].[nme_Matter] ASC, [R].[var_CoSub_Desc] ASC, [R].[var_RC] ASC, [R].[var_RC_Desc] ASC, [R].[var_GL] ASC, [O].[nme_Organization] ASC))2498SortDistinct SortDISTINCT ORDER BY:([R].[var_CoSub] ASC, [M].[idt_Matter] ASC, [M].[nme_PIC] ASC, [M].[nme_Matter] ASC, [R].[var_CoSub_Desc] ASC, [R].[var_RC] ASC, [R].[var_RC_Desc] ASC, [R].[var_GL] ASC, [O].[nme_Organization] ASC)194.532911.1261261E-22.4077187E-31625.0178246[M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC], [R].[var_CoSub], [R].[var_CoSub_Desc], [R].[var_RC], [R].[var_RC_Desc], [R].[var_GL], [O].[nme_Organization]PLAN_ROW01.0

    |--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([M].[dim_id_Organization]) WITH PREFETCH)24109Nested LoopsLeft Outer JoinOUTER REFERENCES:([M].[dim_id_Organization]) WITH PREFETCH194.532910.04.0657379E-440324.9725127[M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC], [R].[var_CoSub], [R].[var_CoSub_Desc], [R].[var_RC], [R].[var_RC_Desc], [R].[var_GL], [O].[nme_Organization]PLAN_ROW01.0

    |--Filter(WHERE:(Convert([R].[ind_Primary])=1))241210FilterFilterWHERE:(Convert([R].[ind_Primary])=1)194.532910.05.6839617E-533724.5433788[M].[dim_id_Organization], [M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC], [R].[var_CoSub], [R].[var_CoSub_Desc], [R].[var_RC], [R].[var_RC_Desc], [R].[var_GL]PLAN_ROW01.0

    | |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1001]), OBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[dim_Rollup] AS [R]))241312Bookmark LookupBookmark LookupBOOKMARK:([Bmk1001]), OBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[dim_Rollup] AS [R])[R].[ind_Primary], [R].[var_CoSub], [R].[var_CoSub_Desc], [R].[var_RC], [R].[var_RC_Desc], [R].[var_GL]195.998670.60936041.0779927E-433724.5433221[M].[dim_id_Organization], [M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC], [R].[ind_Primary], [R].[var_CoSub], [R].[var_CoSub_Desc], [R].[var_RC], [R].[var_RC_Desc], [R].[var_GL]PLAN_ROW01.0

    | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([M].[sur_id_Matter]) WITH PREFETCH)241513Nested LoopsInner JoinOUTER REFERENCES:([M].[sur_id_Matter]) WITH PREFETCH195.998670.04.0963723E-431323.9338536[M].[dim_id_Organization], [M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC], [Bmk1001]PLAN_ROW01.0

    | |--Filter(WHERE:((([M].[idt_Team]=[@varTeam] OR [M].[idt_Practice_Group_ID]=[@varTeam]) OR [@varTeam]=NULL) AND ([M].[var_Matter_Status]=[@varStatus] OR [@varStatus]=NULL)))241715FilterFilterWHERE:((([M].[idt_Team]=[@varTeam] OR [M].[idt_Practice_Group_ID]=[@varTeam]) OR [@varTeam]=NULL) AND ([M].[var_Matter_Status]=[@varStatus] OR [@varStatus]=NULL))163.67410.08.9831237E-431043.5071378[M].[sur_id_Matter], [M].[dim_id_Organization], [M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC]PLAN_ROW01.0

    | | |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]), OBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[fact_Matter] AS [M]))241817Bookmark LookupBookmark LookupBOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]), OBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[fact_Matter] AS [M])[M].[sur_id_Matter], [M].[dim_id_Organization], [M].[idt_Practice_Group_ID], [M].[idt_Team], [M].[var_Matter_Status], [M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC]1137.10422.79368316.2540732E-431043.5062394[M].[sur_id_Matter], [M].[dim_id_Organization], [M].[idt_Practice_Group_ID], [M].[idt_Team], [M].[var_Matter_Status], [M].[idt_Matter], [M].[nme_Matter], [M].[nme_PIC]PLAN_ROW01.0

    | | |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[fact_Matter].[idx_PIC] AS [M]), WHERE:([M].[idt_PIC]=[@varPIC] OR [@varPIC]=NULL))242018Index ScanIndex ScanOBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[fact_Matter].[idx_PIC] AS [M]), WHERE:([M].[idt_PIC]=[@varPIC] OR [@varPIC]=NULL)[Bmk1000], [M].[idt_PIC]1137.10420.435356290.17093195330.60628825[Bmk1000], [M].[idt_PIC]PLAN_ROW01.0

    | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[dim_Rollup].[dim_Rollup19] AS [R]), SEEK:([R].[sur_id_Matter]=[M].[sur_id_Matter]) ORDERED FORWARD)243615Index SeekIndex SeekOBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[dim_Rollup].[dim_Rollup19] AS [R]), SEEK:([R].[sur_id_Matter]=[M].[sur_id_Matter]) ORDERED FORWARD[Bmk1001]1.19749363.2034251E-37.9820835E-5370.42630643[Bmk1001]PLAN_ROW0163.6741

    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[dim_Organization].[PK_dim_Organization] AS [O]), SEEK:([O].[dim_id_Organization]=[M].[dim_id_Organization]) ORDERED FORWARD)244110Clustered Index SeekClustered Index SeekOBJECT:([CLD_Warehouse].[dbo].[dim_Organization].[PK_dim_Organization] AS [O]), SEEK:([O].[dim_id_Organization]=[M].[dim_id_Organization]) ORDERED FORWARD[O].[nme_Organization]1.03.2034251E-37.9603E-56680.42872724[O].[nme_Organization]PLAN_ROW0194.53291

    (18 row(s) affected)



    (1 row(s) affected)

    The Column in question is M.idt_PIC and the Non-Clustered Index in question is idx_PIC.

  • You didn't mention that you're using SQL 2000. Please post SQL 2000-related questions in the SQL 2000 forums. If you post in the 2005 forums, you're very likely to get 2005-specific solutions.

    The plan, as you've pasted it is unreadable. Please run the query with the showplan_all option on and results to grid. Copy the grid and paste in Excel so that the various pieces of info are in separate cells. Save, zip and attach the excel spreadsheet.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • “M.idt_P” has Non-Cluster Index on it, if I remove this from WHERE, query runs fine, otherwise takes 5 times longer. I have tried couple of options but no use.

    Please let me know what Am I doing wrong? Or how can I make it faster?


    The plan is very tough to read but if what you say here is true that removing this piece from the where clause makes everything "fine" then as a quick fix you can remove it from the where clause, stick those results into a temp table and then run the select on the temp table with that filter included. Obviously not necessarily ideal but if you want a quick fix that would surely be it.

  • Syed Asim Rizvi (1/14/2009)

    I have a query that runs fine if I do not include Non-Clustered Indexed column in WHERE, but if I include this column, it take 5 times more time to execute.

    If I use this column, which has Non-Clustered Index, Query Execution Plan shows that the Non-Clustered Index Scan take 20% cost and just after this Bookmark Lookup Cost is 60%.

    I have to use this column in WHERE to limit result according to user provided input, but can’t afford the long execution time.

    My looks like:


    M.idt1, M.nme1, M.nmeP,

    R.varC, R.var_CD, O.nme_O


    fact_M M INNER JOIN

    dim_R R ON M.sur_id_M = R.sur_id_M INNER JOIN

    fact_I I ON M.sur_id_M = I.sur_id_M LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dim_O O ON M.dim_id_O = O.dim_id_O


    (R.ind_P = 1)

    AND (M.idt_P = @varP OR @varPIC IS NULL)

    AND (M.var_ Status = @varStatus OR @varStatus IS NULL)

    AND (I.dte_A BETWEEN @varBegin_Date AND @varEnd_Date)


    R.varC, M.idt1

    “M.idt_P” has Non-Cluster Index on it, if I remove this from WHERE, query runs fine, otherwise takes 5 times longer. I have tried couple of options but no use.

    Please let me know what Am I doing wrong? Or how can I make it faster?


    Check the colunm which in where condition has how many distincat value..if more then create index

    Paresh Prajapati
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