NON-ADMIN Users can't access DB from Client machines

  • I'm supporting a customer that has my company software running on an application Server.

    The server is loaded with Server 2003 and SQL 2005.

    I have 4 databases for my program. At the server, there is a local group whose membership includes the domain group for all users (similar to the Everyone group)

    In SQL a login is present for the local group and that login is the dbo for all 4 of my databases. I am using Windows Authentication.

    When my software is launched, it checks the registry to see what the name of the SQL Server is and at that point it attempts to connect to the database(s).

    It is coming back with an error that says the databases can't be found. This error normally comes back if the dbo isn't set in user mapping or the SQLServer isn't running.

    The thing is that admin users can get in, so I know that the sql server is running and we've triple checked that the local group is there and contains the membership required.

    We created a new login in SQL and assigned it to an individual non-admin user. The user then logged into a client and was able to launch and connect with no problems.

    It seems that for some reason there is a problem with the local group authenticating. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


  • mispost...

  • Problem resolved. Had nothing to do with any of my initial thoughts. Someone had changed an extension on a file.

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