Noel - in admiration for what you did today....

  • I have long been a dedicated and devoted fan of - the more time I spend here the more I learn. Most of the time I learn something new about Sql Server but there are many days when I see dramas unfold - sometimes one-act plays and sometimes a more elaborate production.

    Most of what I like about scc is the people - the ones who respond to posts quicker than you can post them - vying with

    each other to help and almost elbowing you out in their eagerness to be the first to provide a solution - people who

    continue to provide bigger and better solutions long after the original poster has said "thank you for all your help - every

    thing works now!" - people who've made this their extended workplace - where many know each other by name, programming knowledge, personality quirks, personal tidbits, sense of humour - this is their SQL cafe where they "hang out" and every hour is a happy hour....

    And then into this world come the nuances - the dramas that I mentioned earlier - these vary based on the personality of the scc member - ranging from those who have a count(*) of gray (sql) cells equaling an impressively high number to the "newbies" who are getting their feet wet and are immensely grateful to have all their questions answered expeditiously. In between this range fall all the "others" with varying levels of knowledge, language and communication skills.

    Not too many years ago when I hadn't yet emerged out of my timid mouse persona, I had the misfortune to work for an extremely aggressive manager - he terrorised the bejesus out of our entire group and I never learned a thing under his management except to run the other way every time I saw him. Though I HAVE found my voice, the slightest thing can send me scuttling back to being a mouse again.

    There are a lot of people here who've posted their questions only to have them brutally critiqued and trampled on - and the more sensitive of these posters will never come back - at least will never ask questions again! Knowledge & erudition are very powerful but they should not provide the person immunity from basic courtesy and good manners. On the other hand, I've also come across posters who take such an aggressive attitude even in their method of seeking help that it leaves me constantly surprised that there are people still willing to help despite the harsh style. Then there are those who don't know how to pose the right questions and those that are frustrated by those who don't know how to pose the right questions but spend a lot of time trying to solve their problems anyway!

    For some fun weekend reading I give to you:

    1) The frustrated scc member:

    Mike's Wishlist

    2) I want the answer but don't know the question:

    Inadequate Information

    3) Tell me what I want to know - not what you think I want to know:

    Aggressive Posts

    4) I'm sorry I asked:

    lamb to the slaughter

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Finally a thread started from you... maybe next time you'll have to courage to ask a question (now I understand more why you're afraid).

    Congrats on the thread.

    yeah yeah I'm really going to my week-end now. .

  • Just curious... what did Noeld do today? It's not mentioned in the thread (unless I missed it, again ).

  • Remi,

    I believe sushila was referring to Noeld's post in the Yukon Development site (the original post was from another thread where the two of you were going at each other again - and please keep it up, I find it does help pass the time on occassion :-)).


    excellent post and I have to agree - well done Noel!!!!

    Like you sushila - I try not to ask questions here to often. I think this is mostly due to one boss I had who kept screaming at me that if I keep asking questions instead of researching I would never learn anything (huh?).

    Keep it up everyone, I do learn from all of the excellent posts and I do try to help out when I can!!!

    Enjoy the weekend!


  • The purpose of this site it to give people a place to  learn. No one said that the only things being taught here is SQL.  Learning how to ask for assistance is as important as learning how to give it without giving offense. Given the number of different cultures and individual differences repersented here it is possible to both offend and be offended when that is not the intent of either party. This is especially true when someone is stressed out. (A day at the beach watching nature walk by fixes this for me and I highly recomment it to everyone )

    Ray posted a link to an excellent site on etiqutte which could or perhaps should be used as a gental reminder to both old hands and new members of the value of good manners and the purpose of the site.


  • Hey Mike - Thanks for the post!

    btw - is Nature not walking by this morning ?! <:-)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • The aggressive poster strikes again:

    And again:

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I wouldn't call that agressive... it's clear he doesn't know english very well and can't express himself as we can. What part did you find agrssive in there?

  • I'm sure nature is walking but I'm working and the too do not combine well. If I had just been born rich instead of good looking (sigh). But it is a burden I carry well along with my modesty.


  • While I can not speak for others I thought the statement [

    Ur answer makes me laugh. It is good to reply to a questation but pls pls if i asked u that which logfile is active then there should be some reason.

    Ok buddy just try this and u will come to know which logfile is active ok

    dbcc loginfo[database name]

    u should not ask what i want to do i am doing all this from last 3 years.]

     might be just a tad aggressive for someone asking for help


  • "tad" being the keyword of course!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I didn't say it was appropriate, I said it wasn't agressive like Celko can be .

  • Actually I would like to see Celko answer this guy's posts...feeling kind of bloodthirsty today!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Hey if we can set up a match with JC and this guy and sell tickets we could all go on vacation or retire

    and you thought I was blood thirsty because I like the Kill statement in C. Not even close

  • Brilliant! You set up the match and I'll sell the tickets...Remi's already going on vacation (of sorts) we'll just retire him...

    oh one more thing - I'll pitch in and do extra work - I'll "catch the blood"!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 75 total)

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