No Viewable ActiveX Script Text Box?!?!?

  • I can no longer view the script text box in the task properities window of my ActiveX script. It's just not viewable on my local machine. I can see the text box from another client.

    I used to be able to view it, but after I set up some debugging logic that used the msgbox object, I was no longer able to see this box. Everything else is visible expect the script text box.



  • Is there an error message? 

    Is the Form showing up at all, but minus this textbox control?  If so, this control is derrived from the Windows Common Controls found in the COMCTL32.DLL.  You may have corrupted or missing files on your system.

    If there is an error displayed... please post the exact error text.

    You may want to try and reinstall SQL Server Enterprise Manager to see if the dependencies are reinstalled with the installation.

    -Mike Gercevich

  • There is no error msg. The window pops as it should will all options available (Language, Browser, Package Object Browser tree, Parse button, Undo button, etc.) but with NO text box for the script. I have COMCTL32.DLL but I think your suggestion of re-install is what I'll have to do. I was hoping to avoid that.



  • Simply registering the some of the dll's within C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn fixed the problem.

  • Did you by chance run a registry cleaner recently?  If so, please post which one so that others do not have this same problem.

    -Mike Gercevich

  • I didn't run any registry cleaner. I've run into problems with these in the past.

  • Thanks klawrence for posting your fix (registering dlls.)  I had the same issue and was pulling my hairout trying to find a fix.

  • Do you remember which dll(s) needed to be registered?  I've encountered the same problem and tried to register the dll I found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn, but that did not seem to work for me.

  • Sorry, I don't but you may want to try the UI dlls.

  • Thank you for your suggestion - you were exactly right.

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