No Non-Competes

  • Generally I hate non-competes. They seem to be applied in a umbrella fashion that is not realistic to most employee I completely understand and agree with a company's need to protect trade secets and the such though.

    One good thing about living in the state of taxes (NY), it is a "right to work" state and my feebly legal understanding is that non-competes are not enforceable

  • I worked for a Fortune 5 company who tried to use the non compete agreement to keep the employees working 18 hour days, rather than hiring staff to handle the customers demands. After signing the agreement within a few months, people were laid off and the scared employees who signed were threatened to continue to work for them or sit at home for 2 years. That was used to keep the company making millions with a smaller workforce while their competitors were kept from hiring some very talented people. I chose to add my own clauses to the agreement and of course they would not accept any changes, so after 12 years with no need for a contract, I went to work for their European counterpart. Non compete contracts cause good people to leave bad companies and cause customers to refuse to do business with bad companies.

    What intellectual property you process is the only way most of use earn a living - don't sign your rights away

  • cweedtwo (9/18/2008)

    What intellectual property you process is the only way most of use earn a living - don't sign your rights away

    This should be first/last word on this topic!

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