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  • john.arnott (4/1/2010)

    Phillip - Texas (4/1/2010)

    So here I sit reading the replies.."ha ha you got me" etc. when all of a sudden, what? "...the index one was good one too." That was a joke?

    Recall the article about hunter gatherer? Throw out anything you find on the Internet that was keyboarded (as opposed to penned") on 4/1.

    What percentage of the content of a technical article gets read? I didn't see that part about " not use for any purpose...."

    Yeah, I also fell for the "PFC Acevedo, go get me the ID Ten Tango form, pronto!" bit too, 15 years ago. As a Sgt. I paid it forward and had others go find me a "box of grid squares."

    Happy Maundy Thursday.

    and if you'd been Navy, as your ship docked, you would have been sent to get fifty yards of shore line.

    And don't forget the can of Scope Paint (from a radar screen) and a box of RFLD (Radio Frequency Data Link) And Chrome Muffler Barrings for the 2 1/2 Ton Truck...

    Those were the days..

  • The navy pranks are funny! My grandfather was a 1st mate on oil ships in WWII and used to wake up the young n00bs late at night and tell them to bring their binoculars to the deck because the equator was coming up and they wouldn't want to miss seeing it... Apparently a surprising number of them either believed him or played along...

  • Air Force/Navy prank -- Go get a can of jet wash.

    IT Related -- Time to empty the bit bucket.

  • I loved restaurant jokes, not limited to Apr1. We used to regularly send newbies out for a left-handed oyster knife.

  • A friend of mine thinks that if you cross the International Date Line, say going from west to east, that you can actually travel back in time. I kid you not! She thought that if you'd got into a jet that could travel fast enough so you could cross the International Date Line say twice in 24 hours, that you'd go back 2 days. I tried showing her the fallacy in her reasoning by suggesting that she didn't need a fast jet, all she needed to do was go to the north pole and circle it as fast as she could. Then she could go back several days really quickly. She thought that was a great idea, except that it would be too cold.

    At that point I decided to leave the conversation.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Rod at work (4/5/2010)

    A friend of mine thinks that if you cross the International Date Line, say going from west to east, that you can actually travel back in time. I kid you not! She thought that if you'd got into a jet that could travel fast enough so you could cross the International Date Line say twice in 24 hours, that you'd go back 2 days. I tried showing her the fallacy in her reasoning by suggesting that she didn't need a fast jet, all she needed to do was go to the north pole and circle it as fast as she could. Then she could go back several days really quickly. She thought that was a great idea, except that it would be too cold.

    At that point I decided to leave the conversation.

    Rod, you're a better man than I to be able to walk away in the face of that. I would try but I think it might draw me back...

  • Only just read it so I didn't notice what date it was from. Busy thinking of all the problems it would cause.

    Good one. 😀

    Normal chaos will be resumed as soon as possible. :crazy:

  • Was it sad to anyone else to realize you didn't actually doubt that Microsoft would/could do this?


    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Rod at work (4/5/2010)

    A friend of mine thinks that if you cross the International Date Line, say going from west to east, that you can actually travel back in time. I kid you not! She thought that if you'd got into a jet that could travel fast enough so you could cross the International Date Line say twice in 24 hours, that you'd go back 2 days. I tried showing her the fallacy in her reasoning by suggesting that she didn't need a fast jet, all she needed to do was go to the north pole and circle it as fast as she could. Then she could go back several days really quickly. She thought that was a great idea, except that it would be too cold.

    At that point I decided to leave the conversation.

    Hey, it worked for Superman. Lois "died" in a car crash, so Superman flew around the world really, really fast to turn back time so he could save her. Are you arguing with Superman?!?!?

  • john.arnott (4/6/2010)

    Rod at work (4/5/2010)

    A friend of mine thinks that if you cross the International Date Line, say going from west to east, that you can actually travel back in time. I kid you not! She thought that if you'd got into a jet that could travel fast enough so you could cross the International Date Line say twice in 24 hours, that you'd go back 2 days. I tried showing her the fallacy in her reasoning by suggesting that she didn't need a fast jet, all she needed to do was go to the north pole and circle it as fast as she could. Then she could go back several days really quickly. She thought that was a great idea, except that it would be too cold.

    At that point I decided to leave the conversation.

    Hey, it worked for Superman. Lois "died" in a car crash, so Superman flew around the world really, really fast to turn back time so he could save her. Are you arguing with Superman?!?!?

    HA! HA! HA! I hadn't thought of that. I guess I'd better watch it, or I might find myself arguing with Superman.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • hmmm, so now I wonder why Superman didn't fly around the North Pole. I guess it's a moot point as he seems to have infinite resources.

  • This reminds me of a story where a friend of mine instructed a woman named Jackie on how to make a cake from a mix. After a while, Jackie called my friend in a panic saying that the cake was all runny and sticky. My friend then asked her whether she had put it in the oven and baked it.


  • Phillip - Texas (4/1/2010)

    Yeah, I also fell for the "PFC Acevedo, go get me the ID Ten Tango form, pronto!" bit too, 15 years ago. As a Sgt. I paid it forward and had others go find me a "box of grid squares."

    Happy Maundy Thursday.

    That makes me wonder how many here have ever been sent to fetch a bucket of holes, or (since a lot of people here have some connection with data storage) were ever asked to review the specification of the Galactic Storage Device and a proposed driver for it.


  • OK. I can't resist joining this one.

    When I was in high school I worked in a shoe store (no Al Bundy jokes, please). We would send the newbies to get the shelf stretcher for the back room.

  • I didn't read it until today, and I was getting really worried - thinking things like "Have those bl***ed idots at MS been listening to that p***t Date?" and "My god, the lunatics have taken over the asylum and succeeded in destroying most of the worlds business applications" until I realised the editorial was a week old.


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