No matching network interface found for resource 'Cluster IP Address' IP address '' (return code was '5035'). If your cluster nodes span different subnets, this may be normal.

  • Error and Warnings are ....Cluster resource 'Cluster IP Address' of type 'IP Address' in clustered role 'Cluster Group' failed.

    Based on the failure policies for the resource and role, the cluster service may try to bring the resource online on this node or move the group to another node of the cluster and then restart it. Check the resource and group state using Failover Cluster Manager or the Get-ClusterResource Windows PowerShell cmdlet.

    IP's are assigned as..

    • SiteA - HostNodeA( for Windows SQL Server and a subnet IP for cluster SQL-DBS-CL1.
    • SiteB - HostNodeB(yy.yy.247.135) and yy.yyy.247.140 subnet IP for cluster.

    In Failover Cluster Manger under the Nodes both nodes are online with Voting details as 1(assigned) and 1(current) and for second node voting as 1(assigned) and 0(current).

    Under the Cluster Core Resource the HostNodeA Cluster IP address shows as offline and I can't bring online - fails with error Failed to bring the resource "Cluster IP Address" online.

    HostNodeA Cluster IP address becomes online if I physically shut down the HostNodeB.

    No disks are selected in this cluster configuration.

    With this configuration I am getting above mentioned errors and warning. How can I resolve this issue?

    I can't go to the next step i.e. creation of AG and listener.

  • Hi

    Hopefully I am reading this correctly. This is a multi subnet windows fail-over cluster so only one of the two IP addresses should be online at any point in time i.e. When a network resource is hosted on subnet A then only the IP Address in subnet A will be able to come online, other IP addresses will fail as they live in a different subnet. When configuring a multi subnet windows fail-over cluster the Network resource that can spans the two sub nets should have an OR dependency on the associate IP addresses.  Have a read of the link below for more details.


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