No Google

  • Many of you seem to be missing the point! The cloud is not for companies who effectively have their own cloud! Why would it be! A small start up business / software company may well be able to put the cloud to good use before perhaps investing in their own cloud. I'm sure there are plenty of in house clouds that have had disasters causing severe if not catastrophic problems!

    There seems to be an idea that there is one cloud when in reality there would be many clouds probably mostly hovering in local weather systems. The reason there is much hype about the cloud is because it definitely has potential.

    Whether the weather be fine,

    Or whether the weather be not,

    Whether the weather be cold,

    Or whether the weather be hot,

    We'll whether the weather

    Whatever the weather

    Whether we like it or not

  • That's a great point. The cloud could be a private cloud, run completely by a company internally with their own staff. In that case, is there a reason not to think "cloud services"?

    A lot of these arguments I've seen for

    - moving from mainframe/minis to PCs

    - performing virtualization

    - moving from leased lines to the Internet

    - Moving from client-server to 3-tier or web apps.

    There are all sizes and shapes. You might want to move some things, and not others.

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