No data for smallint

  • Hi,

    I am using DTS to output an SQL query to a text file.

    I am explicitly selecting all the columns in the table, using a SELECT statement, as I need to covert some of the columns.

    The last column is a smallint datatype.

    The DTS package works ok, but when I look at the output file, there is no data in the last column, and I know there is data in the table.

    I tried moving the column to a different position in my SELECT statement, but it still did not output any data.

    Any ideas why it is not giving me any data for that column?


  • Can you show us the code for the conversion?

  • yep here it is:

    select [MemberNo],

    ''+substring(convert(varchar(30), EffDate, 120),9,2)

    +'.'+substring(convert(varchar(30), EffDate, 120),6,2)

    +'.'+substring(convert(varchar(30), EffDate, 120),1,4)

    +'' AS [EffDate],[Action],[PersonID],[HomeAddrID],[PostalAddrID],

    case when EndDate is not null then

    ''+substring(convert(varchar(30), EndDate, 120),9,2)

    +'.'+substring(convert(varchar(30), EndDate, 120),6,2)

    +'.'+substring(convert(varchar(30), EndDate, 120),1,4)

    +'' else '01.01.0001' end AS [EndDate],[Premium],[IsPayInclRebate],

    case when AuditTime is not null then

    ''+substring(CONVERT(Varchar(30), AuditTime, 120),1,10)

    +'-'+substring(convert(varchar(30), AuditTime, 120),12,2)

    +'.'+substring(convert(varchar(30), AuditTime, 120),15,2)

    +'.'+substring(convert(varchar(30), AuditTime, 120),18,3)

    +'.000000'+ '' else '0001-01-01-' end AS [AuditTime],

    Level from [db_name].[dbo].[RebateActivity]

    order by memberno,effdate

  • Hi,

    I have found my problem....I didn't have my transformations defined correctly...doh!.


  • Hence why I asked to see it .

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