No Daily Update

  • I just noticed the last daily update I've received was on Friday the 9th. I thought something was missing from my day. Anyway...just wondering if anyone else has had problems or if it's been marked as spam over here.

    Thanks y'all


  • The only times I've not recd. the updates have been when our (office) exchange server has been down...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I received today's, but hadn't received one all week and had to go to the site and read it on the archive page.

  • Jaysen, did you get one today? I still haven't. The funny thing is that I receive the notifications that people have responded to posts I've made. Just no newsletter. Can I offer up a poll. Yah if you have received the newsletter and Nay if you are still waiting.

  • Yeah, I got the one for the 16th this morning.  Might just be router issues somewhere in between.

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