• Hi

    I just randomly clicked on this post and now I'm really glad I did. The resources mentioned are awesome. I regret that I didn't post something like this when I started out as a DBA..

  • JnrDbaK (11/16/2016)

    Hello ALL,

    <some comments snipped out>

    Well basically what I'm saying it's if you have any tips on how you've become a full, snr or principal DBA etc, what I should do or learn....and enhance my skills

    Thank you in advance & apologies if I posted in the wrong section.

    Any tips at all will be appreciated.

    Along with the other advice already given....

    One thing I'd suggest is don't worry so much about the name (Junior, Senior, whatever). Every company is going to have their own version of that and their own definition. What is a senior DBA in your company might not be a senior DBA in mine.

    That said, find out what terms your company uses and what their requirements are for each. Then work towards that. When submitting a resume or describing yourself outside of your place of business, I find it is best to state the years of experience I have, that comes closer to letting the listener have a better idea of what level I am at. For example, at my first job as a DBA my job title was Senior DBA (not a lie as I was the ONLY DBA, so I was senior to anyone else), but I had less than 1 year of job experience...when I left there I had 5 years experience and was still a Senior DBA. The next company I went to I wasn't a Senior DBA, I was just a DBA and the other one was the Lead DBA. So the names really only apply within a company. I think years of experience have more meaning in discussions (although that can be misleading also, it is more accurate than the job title).


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