newbie question

  • Hi guys

                I am outputing my data in a txt file through a dts job. I want to make it more readable. how do i preprocess it, in order to make it more readable. I tried the options in the destination file task, but it still is not the way i want.

    Here is a quick snapshot...

    |2006-10-13 17:31:40|3|2667|E:\MSSQL\BACKUP\ABSSuite_Prodtest.BAK|1

    |2006-10-13 17:34:21|3|3435|D:\MSSQL\BACKUP\ABSSuiteCurrent.BAK|3

    |2006-10-13 17:36:28|3|2712|D:\MSSQL\BACKUP\ABSSuiteD.BAK|2

    |2006-10-13 17:38:53|3|2987|D:\MSSQL\BACKUP\ABSSuiteD2.BAK|2

    |2006-10-13 17:40:34|3|1951|D:\MSSQL\BACKUP\ABSSuitePDF.BAK|2

    This is how it looks like........

    and i want it to look more alligned...somewhat like it looks in the query analyser.


  • Why not export the data to Excel?

  • thats wht i told my manager...but he insists he want a txt file.......

  • Instead of using a delimited destination file, make it a fixed-length field file.

    Double-click on the destination file object, click the Properties button, and select the Fixed field radio button.

  • Export it as csv, will be more readable and ur manager will see it like a txt file

  • Hi,

    Why not set the properties in Text File Properties to:

    File type ANSI

    Row delimeter CRLF

    Column delimeter to TAB

    Text qualifier none


  • Create a view that formats each column the way you want, then export from the view in DTS.  Liberal use of STR, CAST, CONVERT, REPLACE, and STUFF should do the job.

  • Ok

       let me give it a shot and see if it works...

  • No luck guys.....I am still tryin.......this is the output format i want.

    column1                                 column2                       column3


    data.....                                  data......                      data.........

    data.....                                  data......                      data..........

    Is there any way i have a formatted preprocessed file....and just have the output file point to it......

  • Pankaj,

    Tell ur manager that if you want that files to be used by other process then you need to have it delimited.

    If you really want it the way he wants. Try this.

    Declare @s_SQL varchar(8000)

    select @s_SQL = 'pub_id pub_name                                 city                 state country                        ' + Char(10)

    select @s_SQL = @s_SQL + '------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- ------------------------------ '

    select @s_SQL as Col1

    Union all

    select left((isnull(pub_id,'') + space(7)),7) + left((isnull(pub_name,'') + space(41)),41) + left((isnull(city,'') + space(21)),21)

      + left((isnull(state,'') + space(6)),6) + left((isnull(country,'') + space(30)),30)

    from publishers



  • Thanks a lot Sreejit that helped a lot..I am gettin a readable output file now...

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