Newbie - Group by Question

  • Hello everyone. I am very new to SQL Server. My experience has been in MS Access for over 10 years. I have been asked to write a web based app using SQL Server 2000. I need to get a summary of totals based on the type field of a record.

    Here is the query I've written. This query works fine but I would like to be able to break the totals down by department. Can this be done in a single query? If so, can anyone help me with this? I would greatly appreciate it.

    Select distinct

    (SELECT SUM(TotalHours) FROM TADetail

    WHERE (PayPeriod = '11/24/2007') AND (StaffID = '1234') AND (Dept = '56')) As PayTotal,

    (SELECT SUM(TotalHours) FROM TADetail

    WHERE (PayPeriod = '11/24/2007') AND (StaffID = '1234') AND (Dept = '56') AND (Type = '10')) As RegTotal,

    (SELECT SUM(TotalHours) FROM TADetail

    WHERE (PayPeriod = '11/24/2007') AND (StaffID = '1234') AND (Dept = '56') AND (Type = '4')) As PTOTotal,

    (SELECT SUM(TotalHours) FROM TADetail

    WHERE (PayPeriod = '11/24/2007') AND (StaffID = '1234') AND (Dept = '56') AND (Type = '8')) As SickBankTotal,

    (SELECT SUM(TotalHours) FROM TADetail

    WHERE (PayPeriod = '11/24/2007') AND (StaffID = '1234') AND (Dept = '56') AND (Type <> '4') AND (Type <> '8') AND (Type <> '10')) As OtherTotal

    From TADetail WHERE StaffID = '1234'


  • Embed a CASE statement into the SELECT... syntax. You're restricting yourself to one group only, so there's no sense in using a GROUP BY clause.

    Something like:


    SUM(TotalHours) as PayTotal,

    sum(case when (Type = '10') then TotalHours else 0 end) as RegTotal,

    sum(case when (Type = '4') then TotalHours else 0 end) as PTOTotal,

    sum(case when (Type = '8') then TotalHours else 0 end) as SickBankTotal,

    sum(case when (Type not in ('10','4','8')) then TotalHours else 0 end) as OtherTotal




    StaffID = '1234' and

    (PayPeriod = '11/24/2007') and

    (Dept = '56')

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I would be taking out Where "dept = 56" code.

  • ..then group by Dept would give you a line per department?



    Dept ,

    SUM(TotalHours) as PayTotal,

    sum(case when (Type = '10') then TotalHours else 0 end) as RegTotal,

    sum(case when (Type = '4') then TotalHours else 0 end) as PTOTotal,

    sum(case when (Type = '8') then TotalHours else 0 end) as SickBankTotal,

    sum(case when (Type not in ('10','4','8')) then TotalHours else 0 end) as OtherTotal

    from tadetail


    StaffID = '1234' and

    (PayPeriod = '11/24/2007')

    Group by


    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my question. That did it! Have a Happy Turkey Day! Jim

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