New user, need a quick hand, thanks

  • The test table contains the following 3 columns

    DriverID (a unique identifier for a person in the test table. This DriverID

    will repeat for every disposition the person has in the test table)

    Fname (First Name)

    Lname (Last Name)

    Disposition (Possible values = "Guilty" or "Not Guilty")

    1. There is one thing wrong with this query. What is it?

    select fname,lname,disposition as verdict,COUNT(*) as cnt

    from test

    group by fname,disposition

    having COUNT(*) > 2

    2. There are 2 things wrong with this query. What are they and if fixed, what will the results mean?

    select fname,lname,disposition as verdict,COUNT(*) as cnt

    from test

    where lname in (select lname,count(*)

    from test

    where SUBSTRING(DOB,1,4) = '1977'

    and disposition = 'Guilty'

    group by lname

    having COUNT(9) > 1


    group by fname,disposition

    having COUNT(*) > 1

    3. What is this query calculating the average of?

    select AVG(cnt)

    from (

    select DriverID,cast(COUNT(9) as float) cnt

    from test a

    where exists (select 1 from test

    where DriverID = a.DriverID

    and disposition='Guilty'


    group by DriverID

    ) a

  • Seems very much like school work, so please try for yourself first, and then show us what you've got.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

    Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL[/url]

  • select fname,lname,disposition as verdict,COUNT(*) as cnt

    from test

    group by fname,disposition

    having COUNT(*) > 2

    u need group by on lname.

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