New SQL Server 2005 instance, really slow compared to 2000

  • Hi All


    I have a new server configured to replace my old 2000 box, it’s has 4x Xenon cpu sitting on a SAN box, using sql 2005 standard.


    We have been testing normal processes on the server and found it to be really slow. eg BCP !


    I am not sure if there is anything I can do to sort the problem out, I started Performance monitoring, but its results don’t really give you a pointer as to exactly what the problem is.


    Does anyone know how I can go about solving this problem ?



    Kindest Regards,

    John Burchel (Trainee Developer)

  • John,

    First thing I'd do is check out the O/S. Are you running 2000 or 2003? and I would start investigating the storage formatting differences between the new SAN and the old storage structure. What you're looking for is through put. It's always a good idea to measure your baseline throughput before changing to a new disk subsystem. If the new system's throughput is slower than the old, then it's probably not the SQL Server version upgrade.

    Another item I would check is what compatibility mode is your 2005 instance?



  • - I'd start with a stop/start of sqlserver (to clear the performancerelated dmv's)

    - then I'd do the standard maintenance !

       dbcc dbreindex / sp_updatestats / dbcc updateusage ('yourdb')

    - Then I'd start perfmon to see what IO / Memory / CPU is consumed and see if there bottlenecks overthere.

    - then I'd use the dmv's to pick out the most consuming queries,...

    ( have a look at ... e.g.



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  • I'm finding 2005 really really slow as well. And I'm not talking about running fancy queries or anything. I mean opening up management studio on the server - 20 or 30 seconds. Parsing some code - 20 or 30 seconds. Creating a database maintenance plan - up to a minute to move through the screens. It's almost unworkable and this is on all 5 of our instances and each of these is running on a big chunky box.

    Makes me wonder if the 2005 out of the box install needs to be tweaked more than the 200 one needed?

  • Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the reply, its just that normal day set up processes like BCP or even creating filegroups through TSQL takes ages.

    Any advice/solution to this problem ?


    Kindest Regards,

    John Burchel (Trainee Developer)

  • Indeed the GUI stuff is very slow.

    IMO the datapart is greath.

    regading you filegroup-slowness ... I didn't encounter this.

    Is it with the creation of the filegroup, or of the files within a filegroup ?



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  • When adding files to the actual filegroup, this is the bit where its really slow...

    Kindest Regards,

    John Burchel (Trainee Developer)

  • so this may be I/O related.

    keep in mind that files are being initialized (=nulled out) at allocation time (unless you specify not to).

    What filesize are you trying to allocate ?



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  • Thanks for the reply, the file size we are talking of here is around 200GB at one time.


    Kindest Regards,

    John Burchel (Trainee Developer)

  • - how long is it taking the system to allocate 200GB ?

    - did you try to copy a 200Gb file to that logical disk ? And how long did that take ?



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