New merge subscription insists on applying snapshot

  • In creating a new merge subscription using the Subscription Wizard I explicitly click the radio button 'Do not initialise, the subscriber has the initial data and schema'.  In the parameter messages provided by the Wizard it says 'Do not initialise, the subscriber has the initial data and schema'.  But when I start the subscription it applies the snapshot to the subscriber and, because of sheer data volume, fails.  The initial data is a full restore of the original DB and is only a few minutes old.  What is overriding my 'Do not initialise' instruction ?


  • Hi,

    I have had the same problem where merge replication fails (however, I was replicating over a line from Canada to South Africa and the bandwidth is BAD!)

    I hope that this answers your question:

    Even when creating a subscription for which the snapshot is not applied automatically (sometimes referred to as a nosync subscription), portions of the snapshot are still applied. The necessary tracking triggers and tables are created at the Subscriber, which means that you still need to create and apply a snapshot even when subscriptions specify that the snapshot will not be applied automatically.

    Try copying the snapshot onto the same server that the snapshot will be applied to and see if performance increases!


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