'New Line' - logic

  • I am trying to format to paragraph of output to be used in an email, I have the static portion in a table

    which i have set to body1



    where ID=@count)

    After this paragraph i need be begin a new line and insert one more line. I have tried

    DECLARE @crlf char(2) = Char(13) + Char(10)

    set @Body1 = @Body1 + @crlf

    as well as

    set @Body1 = @Body1 + Char(13)+Char(10)

    I then add the data that needs to appear on the new line:

    set @Body2 = (@Body1 + (select top(1) EEO_TESTDATA.EEO_CREATEDBY from EEO_TESTDATA where ID=@count))

    both result in the data being appended directly after the existing paragraph, not on a new line

    Please connect to the form via the link below. Thank You http://yadayadayadayadaaspx?eeoid=383910919836XUPAUYHRDGIK this is the end of body1 I need a new line here CREATEDBY

    Your suggestion is appreciated.

  • How do you test your output?

    Did you use SELECT or PRINT?

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  • Yes i run the Proc and use dbmail(not select or print)

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail





    @from_address='sendto me@myemail.com',


    cooperation in submitting this information is important to ensure the accuracy of our information. Submission of the information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. Please connect to the form via the link below. Thank You http://yadayadayada.com/www/eeoform.aspx?eeoid=383910919836XUPAUYHRDGIK createdby

    where createdby should be on a new line....

  • The CHAR(10)+CHAR(13) does add a linefeed+return to the string, so it looks like you used a SELECT to return the results (like Koen mentioned in the previous post).

    Btw: the following code will work in one single pass:


    SET @Body1 = ''

    select @Body1 = @Body1 + EEO_TESTDATA.EEO_BODY + EEO_TESTDATA.EEO_UNIQUE + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)


    where EEO_BODY is not null

    and EEO_UNIQUE is not null


    PRINT @Body1 -- display in the messages tab of the results-pane

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • When you specify the body_format as HTML you also need to use HTML paragraph endings. Try using "<p> </p>" instead of the "CHAR(10)+CHAR(13)"...

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • </p>

    did it!!!

    Thank you Soooo much...

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