New faster server much slower than old slow server?

  • Sorry 🙁

    We did a create index with drop existing for each table and a SSMS rebuild index and update statistics with full scan

    None of these helped with this specific issue for us.

  • sotn (11/28/2011)

    Thanks for all the pointers.

    We found in the BIOS the power saving setting, so now CPU-Z is set to 2100 Mhz instead of 800

    However the query was still marginally faster than the older server, then I remembered another point.

    A SQL server with just 1 query may not get the CPU to run flat out.

    So we ran 10 large select * queries at the same time, and this performed 10x faster than the old server.

    Thanks again.

    Excellent! Glad you got it sorted out!

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