.Net driver used as ADO.Net source in SSIS works - does not work in SSRS

  • For Reporting Services 2012 on Windows Server 2012 --

    I am trying to add new new connection type to SSDT for SSRS. I have a .Net driver that I can use as a ADO.Net source in SSIS and want to use the same driver in SSRS. I can add it as a Data Connection under server explorer but cannot reference it on a report. thoughts?

  • Server Explorer doesn't have anything to do with SSRS.

    You need to create a connection in the data sources of the report which is located in the Report Data pane (or under Shared Data Sources in the SSRS solution).

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  • Using SQL Server 2012, SSDT: Maybe a picture would help… (see my attached PIC)

    After right-clicking on Data Sources and select Add New Data Source this is the prompt. How do we add to the list of data source types?

  • It might be possible to add a custom data source extension, but I have never done it before.

    Take a look at this page:

    Data Sources Supported by Reporting Services (SSRS)

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

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