Nesting Transaction

  • Can somebody please, give me a description of nesting transactions in mssql ?



  • First, please post in the appropriate forum for your question. This has been moved.

    Second, a nesting transaction is where you start one transaction and then start a second within it.

    Begin transaction 1

    update xxx ...

    begin transaction 2

    delete yy

    if @@error 0

    rollback transaction 2


    commit transaction 2

    insert zzzz


    if @@error 0




    You can start a second transaction and commit it without committing the entire outer transaction (or roll it back).

  • Keep in mind that the inner transaction won't actually commit until the outer transaction commits. So - even if the inner transaction finishes, if the outer transaction fails and rolls back, the inner transaction is rolled back/never committed.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • There is a little twist using nested transactions that can catch you. When you commit a transaction, you commit only the current level. When you rollback a transaction, you roll back all levels.

    begin tran; -- tran 1

    select @@TranCount; -- result = 1

    begin tran; -- tran 2

    select @@TranCount; -- result = 2


    begin tran; -- tran 3

    select @@TranCount; -- result = 3


    -- Here's where it gets tricky

    if ... begin

    commit tran; -- commits only tran level 3

    select @@TranCount; -- result = 2


    else begin

    rollback tran; -- rolls back all trans, not just 3

    select @@TranCount; -- result = 0


    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

  • Does that mean that nested transactions has no use what so ever?

  • No use whatsoever? I wouldn't say that. I suppose the designers' idea was that every level could reach the end where it would decide either to commit or raise an exception. The exception would be passed along all the way to the top level, where the one and only COMMIT statement would then be executed. A commit would allow the preceding level to proceed until the point where it would also decide to commit at its level or raise an exception and so on. (if good then commit else raise)

    So all the error generation would be at the nested levels and the error handling would be at the top level.

    This may or may not be the best system that could have been designed, but as long as it is consistently followed, it seems to work fairly well. After all, in the real world, we so rarely need to go more than 2 or 3 levels down.

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

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