Nested stored procedure

  • Dear All,

    I really need your help on this, i am calling stored procedure called GetCommonItemCount within another stored procedure called CheckBoxAvailability, the first stored procedure should return a count to second stored procedure and based on that some logic will be executed.

    I have 2 problems in that

    1. The result is not coming from first stored so the variable called @Cnt is always 0 although it should be 18

    2. At the end i need to see in the output the result from second stored procedure only while now i am seeing multiple results of record sets coming.

    I hope my description was clear and looking forward for your help please.

    I have attached the scripts also, the line i described in step1 is

    Best Regards


  • Most people won't download RAR files. Please post the code using IFCode tags [ code="sql"][/code] or at least text files. We would also need DDL and sample data. Please, read the article linked in my signature to know what we need.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (10/1/2014)

    Most people won't download RAR files. Please post the code using IFCode tags [ code="sql"][/code] or at least text files. We would also need DDL and sample data. Please, read the article linked in my signature to know what we need.


    I wouldn't download a RAR file that gets posted by someone I don't know personally and without your code there isn't any way to see what your issue is. My best guess is that you are trying something like this:

    EXEC @cnt = GetCommonItemCount

    But what that returns is the return value of the stored procedure which is 0 when executed without errors and not set directly, not any data from it. You either want something like this:

    Declare @countTable Table(Column list)

    Insert into @countTable (Column list matching the order in the sp)

    Exec GetCommonItemCount

    Or you want @cnt to be an output parameter in the stored procedure and call it like this:

    /* I'm assuming you already have declared @cnt */

    Exec GetCommonItemCount @cnt = @cnt Output

    Select @cnt /* or use @cnt how you need to */

  • Dear All,

    Thanks you very much for your replies.

    I have reattached the files and attached script to fill data as well.

    I will try what you have mentioned and let you know results.

    Here is how i call the sp

    exec CheckBoxAvailability 119,59,0,1

    Best Regards


  • Hi Jack,

    Thanks for your reply, your guess is right.

    Please tell me how to use the example you wrote

    Exec GetCommonItemCount @cnt = @cnt Output

    Do you mean i should define an additional parameter to GetCommonItemCount and make the sp return the result in that parameter to the original SP?

    Jack Corbett (10/1/2014)

    Luis Cazares (10/1/2014)

    Most people won't download RAR files. Please post the code using IFCode tags [ code="sql"][/code] or at least text files. We would also need DDL and sample data. Please, read the article linked in my signature to know what we need.


    I wouldn't download a RAR file that gets posted by someone I don't know personally and without your code there isn't any way to see what your issue is. My best guess is that you are trying something like this:

    EXEC @cnt = GetCommonItemCount

    But what that returns is the return value of the stored procedure which is 0 when executed without errors and not set directly, not any data from it. You either want something like this:

    Declare @countTable Table(Column list)

    Insert into @countTable (Column list matching the order in the sp)

    Exec GetCommonItemCount

    Or you want @cnt to be an output parameter in the stored procedure and call it like this:

    /* I'm assuming you already have declared @cnt */

    Exec GetCommonItemCount @cnt = @cnt Output

    Select @cnt /* or use @cnt how you need to */

  • Here's a link that explains Output Parameters, which you should read.

    So here's how I'd modify the procedure to return @cnt as an output parameter. I'd probably make some other changes as well, but for now I'll just do the one.

    In the SP Declaration do this:

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[GetCommonItemCount]

    @RequestID INT,

    @BoxGroup INT,

    @Dosage_form_code INT,

    @license_type_code INT,

    @cnt INT = NULL OUTPUT


    Then wherever you are returning a result set, assuming you aren't using this procedure anywhere else expecting a result set back. Do this:






    ParentKey = @RequestID )


    SET @cnt = 0;








    status = 'Same' )


    SET @cnt = (






    status = 'Same'





    SET @cnt = 0;


    Then your call is going to look like:

    exec GetCommonItemCount @RequestID =@RequestNo , @BoxGroup = @BoxGroup , @Dosage_form_Code = @DosageForm , @license_type_code = @CompType, @cnt = @cnt Output;

    Then your outer procedure stays the same from there.

    Edit: Added link.

  • Dear Jack,

    Thank you very much , i appreciate your help, it worked finally.

    I will continue testing the data and let you know result.

    Best Regards


  • Hi Jack,

    I have changed the stored procedure(GetCommonItemCount) that i call from within the main stored procedure(CheckBoxAvailability).

    Now when i call CheckBoxAvailability as follows

    exec CheckBoxAvailability 119,59,0,1

    sometimes i get result as one record set and sometimes as two, i guess first one is the execution status as you mentioned before, i only need one record set which is the result of my stored procedure, i tried addding set nocount on but still the same.

    Appreciate your feedback



    Jack Corbett (10/1/2014)

    Here's a link that explains Output Parameters, which you should read.

    So here's how I'd modify the procedure to return @cnt as an output parameter. I'd probably make some other changes as well, but for now I'll just do the one.

    In the SP Declaration do this:

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[GetCommonItemCount]

    @RequestID INT,

    @BoxGroup INT,

    @Dosage_form_code INT,

    @license_type_code INT,

    @cnt INT = NULL OUTPUT


    Then wherever you are returning a result set, assuming you aren't using this procedure anywhere else expecting a result set back. Do this:






    ParentKey = @RequestID )


    SET @cnt = 0;








    status = 'Same' )


    SET @cnt = (






    status = 'Same'





    SET @cnt = 0;


    Then your call is going to look like:

    exec GetCommonItemCount @RequestID =@RequestNo , @BoxGroup = @BoxGroup , @Dosage_form_Code = @DosageForm , @license_type_code = @CompType, @cnt = @cnt Output;

    Then your outer procedure stays the same from there.

    Edit: Added link.

  • So I tried setting up a test environment using the files you attached, but there is a reference to BoxDosageMapping and V in CheckBoxAvailability and your test setup doesn't include that data. And then GetCommonItemCount references TradeDrug which isn't in your test data setup either.

    Based on looking at the stored procedure though you have later calls to GetCommonItemCount, and did you set them up the same way as the first call?

  • Dear Jack,

    While testing with different values , i notice the number of record sets coming is different so after debugging i found out that in come cases the result is outputted as old way not like new output parameter way.

    After changing them it's perfect now.

    I would like to thank you again for your excellent support.



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