Nested Selection with group

  • Hi there (again)

    I need to understand how to make a nested selection with a group, and "deselect" records from the first table?

    This one gives a syntax error with group,

    SELECT     dbo.TableA.Municipality_number, SUM(dbo.TableC.Numeric_value_1), SUM(dbo.TableC.Numeric_value_2), SUM(dbo.TableC.Numeric_value_3),


    FROM         dbo.TableA INNER JOIN

                          dbo.TableB ON dbo.TableA.Municipality_number = dbo.TableB.Municipality_number AND dbo.TableA.Building_number = dbo.TableB.Building_number INNER JOIN

                          dbo.TableC ON dbo.TableB.CRUD_ID = dbo.TableC.CRUD_ID

    WHERE     (dbo.TableB.ValueA = '1') AND (NOT (dbo.TableB.ValueB '60')) AND

                              (SELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT Municipality_number, Building_number, COUNT(*) AS Number_of_buildings

                                FROM          dbo.TableA

                                WHERE      (ValueC = 1) OR

                                                       (ValueC = 2) OR

                                                       (ValueC = 3)

                                GROUP BY Municipality_number, Building_number

                                HAVING      (COUNT(*) > 1))

    GROUP BY dbo.TableA.Municipality_number

    What I have is two tables, TableA and TableB, TableB is a small part of TableA.

    I want TableA minus the records in TableB.

    Now you probably think "Why the hek not make a select on TableA". I can't do it without a group and a nested selection. I am new to this, and I have allready tried reading some of the discussions about nested selection with group - it's too difficult for me (yet).

    Please help my - but keep it simple

    Regards Joejoe


  • OK I didn't read thru your syntax, but if you want records in table A that are not in table B then outer join is how I always do this...

    SELECT a.*

       FROM tablea a

               LEFT OUTER JOIN tableb b ON a.key = b.key

    WHERE b.key IS NULL

    works for updates also

  • Thanks alot john!

    It worked perfect.

    (I had to make a new view and make a left outer join with that where key IS NULL.)

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