Nested select statements / running total

  • I am in need of some assistance.  I have two select statements that work fine by them selves but when I try to nest them, I get an error message about the last line.  I guess SQL doesn’t like the two as statements right next to each other.  If I store the nested select statement as a user defined function, it works.


    Next problem is when I run the main select statement to get the running total, but I cannot access the data.  It returns as an alias table and when I try to reference that alias I get an “it does not exist” error.  Any help would be very helpful.  I have done some coding and data base work before but am new to T-SQL



    SELECT ordbot.[time]


                , (SELECT Sum([fn_botsort].[avg_thick])

                AS Total

    -- derived table to select blocks I want and put in order

                FROM             (select  distinct top 100 percent [time]

                            , block_id

                            , density

                            , block_side

                            , avg_thick


                            from thickness_table


                            where (block_id = [conditional parameter] )and (block_side like 'bottom')


                            order by [time] )


                            as ordbot


                WHERE ((([fn_botsort].[time])<=[tbl_Alias].[time])))

                AS Total

     -- derived table to select blocks I want and put in order same as above

    FROM             (select distinct top 100 percent [time]

                , block_id

                , density

                , block_side

                , avg_thick


                from thickness_table


                where (block_id = [conditional parameter])and (block_side like 'bottom')


                order by [time] )


                as ordbot

    AS [tbl_Alias]

  • Your query doesn't look right at all. Can you post you table structure and explain you goal, looks like you want



    and Sum([fn_botsort].[avg_thick])

    But there is no alias fn_botsort which I think maybe you wanted the first subquery to be fn_botsort. Is avg_thick supposed to be a cumulative for each time and density or is it supposed to be fore each time and density you want the total avg_thick. More detail will help us help you better.

  • Just guessing:


    SELECT ordbot.[time]


                , (SELECT Sum([fn_botsort].[avg_thick])

                AS Total

    -- derived table to select blocks I want and put in order

                FROM             (select  distinct top 100 percent [time]

                            , block_id

                            , density

                            , block_side

                            , avg_thick

                             from thickness_table

                             where (block_id = [conditional parameter] )and (block_side like 'bottom')

                             order by [time] )

                            as [fn_botsort]

                WHERE ((([fn_botsort].[time])<=[ordbot].[time])))

                AS Total

     -- derived table to select blocks I want and put in order same as above

    FROM             (select distinct top 100 percent [time]

                , block_id

                , density

                , block_side

                , avg_thick

                 from thickness_table

                 where (block_id = [conditional parameter])and (block_side like 'bottom')

                 order by [time] )

                as ordbot

  • I agree with Antarres. We don't have enough information to give you any meaningful help. The syntx of the query above is completely out of whack.

    After looking at this for a while here is what I would re-write it as.

    SELECT ordbot.[time]


        , Total = (SELECT Total =Sum(ordbot.avg_thick)



                    , avg_thick

                    FROM thickness_table

                    WHERE block_id = [conditional parameter]

                        AND block_side LIKE 'bottom'

                    ORDER BY [time]

                   ) AS ordbot

            WHERE ordbot.[time] <= tbl_Alias.[time]




                , density

                , avg_thick

            FROM thickness_table

            WHERE block_id = [conditional parameter]

                AND block_side LIKE 'bottom'

            ORDER BY [time]

         ) AS tbl_Alias


    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • I am too confused too by the post. anyway the simple method to get a running total is to sum the measute within a subquery , for all ranges below the dimension and equate the constraints to break by, while ordering them on the query.


    example , to find freight charges by customer, orderid in northwind database, this query would give you the running totals


    select  customerid,orderid,  orderdate, freight ,(select sum(freight) from orders y where y.orderid  <= x.orderid and y.customerid = x.customerid) as running_total

    from orders x

    order by customerid, orderid




  • One of the reason the query didn’t look right is it wasn’t.  I tried many different things and didn’t clean it up right sorry.  I am not using a function as a reference instead I am trying to use this nested query.  There is most likely a better way to do this.


                This is what I want to do many sheets are cut from a block.  I need to find out where on the block they were cut from.  The blocks can be cut from the top or bottom.


    My thought was to divide the block by top and bottom do a running total of thickness of sheets based on time and then union them together. 


    I have now included the table I am working with.  It is very messy, but that is another battle for another day and the only thing I can say is I did not design it.



    SELECT ordbot.[time]


                , (SELECT Sum([ordbot].[avg_thick])

                AS Total

    -- derived table to select blocks I want and put in order

                FROM             (select  distinct top 100 percent [time]

                            , block_id

                            , density

                            , block_side

                            , avg_thick


                            from thickness_table


                            where (block_id = [conditional parameter] )and (block_side like 'bottom')


                            order by [time] )


                            as ordbot


                WHERE ((([ordbot].[time])<=[tbl_Alias].[time])))

                AS Total

     -- derived table to select blocks I want and put in order same as above

    FROM             (select distinct top 100 percent [time]

                , block_id

                , density

                , block_side

                , avg_thick


                from thickness_table


                where (block_id = [conditional parameter])and (block_side like 'bottom')


                order by [time] )


                as ordbot

    AS [tbl_Alias]




    1            autonumber    int                 4            0

    0            [DATE]         datetime          8            1

    0          [TIME]            datetime          8            0

    0            TRAVELER   int                  4            1

    0            BLOCK_ID   nvarchar    50            1

    0          SHEET            int            4            1

    0            SHEET_ID      int            4            1

    0            THIC_REQ    float            8            1

    0            WEIGHT       float            8            1

    0            WIDTH         real            4            1

    0            LENGTH       real            4            1

    0            THICK1          float            8            1

    0            THICK2          float            8            1

    0            THICK3          float            8            1

    0            THICK4          float            8            1

    0            THICK5          float            8            1

    0            THICK6          float            8            1

    0            THICK7          float            8            1

    0            THICK8          float            8            1

    0            THICK9          float            8            1

    0            USL_DENSITY   float       8            1

    0            LSL_DENSITY    float       8            1

    0            UL_THICK     float            8            1

    0            LL_THICK     float            8            1

    0            DENSITY       float            8            1

    0            TAR_DEN       int              4            1

    0            PRODUCT    nvarchar      50            1

    0            SHEET_CH     float            8            1

    0            DTHICK1       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK2       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK3       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK4       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK5       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK6       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK7       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK8       float            8            1

    0            DTHICK9       float            8            1

    0            DDENSITY    float            8            1

    0        BLOCK_SIDE    nvarchar    50            1

    0            SAVG_TH        float            8            1

    0            STATUS          nvarchar         50            1

    0            SAW_ID        nvarchar           53            1

    0            DEN_RND           float            8            1

    0            AVG_THICK        real            4            1

    0            [TIMESTAMP]     binary         8            1

  • Ok thanks to vishy and all who responded new code works.

     this is what I have are there ways to make it better


    select  BLOCK_ID



     ,(select sum(AVG_THICK)

       from dbo.THICKNESS_TABLE y

      where y.[TIME]  <= x.[TIME]

                            and y.BLOCK_ID = x.BLOCK_ID

                            and BLOCK_SIDE like 'bottom')

      as running_total

    from dbo.THICKNESS_TABLE x

    where BLOCK_ID like [conditional parameter] and BLOCK_SIDE like 'bottom'


    select  BLOCK_ID



     ,(select 23-sum(AVG_THICK)

       from dbo.THICKNESS_TABLE y

      where y.[TIME]  <= x.[TIME]

                            and y.BLOCK_ID = x.BLOCK_ID

                            and BLOCK_SIDE like 'top')

      as running_total

    from dbo.THICKNESS_TABLE x

    where BLOCK_ID like [conditional parameter] and BLOCK_SIDE like 'top'

    order by running_total

  • I am not quite sure how the data looks like but here is a wild guess



         , DENSITY

         , AVG_THICK

         , BLOCK_SIDE

     , (case when BLOCK_SIDE ='top' then 23 else 0 end)

      - (case when BLOCK_SIDE ='top' then 1 else -1 end) * 

        (select sum(AVG_THICK)

         from dbo.THICKNESS_TABLE y

          where y.[TIME]  <= x.[TIME]

          and y.BLOCK_ID = x.BLOCK_ID)

      as running_total

    from dbo.THICKNESS_TABLE x

    where BLOCK_ID like [conditional parameter]


    I assumed BLOCK_SIDE  can only be 'top' or 'bottom', right?


    * Noel

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