Nested Loops in SQL Query with values fetched from table/set

  • I am a newbie SQL programmer. I need to know the syntax/example for using nested loops with condition values fetched from a table/group of fixed values etc.


    The SQL Query needs creates an XML file for each combination of 3 parameters District, Month, RepType.


    District values need be fetched from a table “district” and column “dist_code”.  The dist_code is of type “tinyint” and its value is between 1-70.


    Month values can be either fetched from a table or a fixed set. Its value is from 1-12.  The table is “month” and the column name is “stat_month”.  The stat_month is of type char(2).


    RepType values are 1-11 need to be fetched from a fixed set.


    The SQL query is below (with hard coded parameter values)

    *************Begin Code************

    USE test



    Declare @TblName1 varchar(10)

    Declare @District varchar(6)

    Declare @Month varchar(3)

    Declare @RepType varchar(2)


    SET @TblName1 = '2006exp'

    SET @District = 21

    SET @Month = 6

    SET @RepType = 2


    Declare @fName varchar(50)

    SET @fName = 'C:\XMLDump\'+@TblName1+'-'+@District+'-'+@Month+'-'+@Reptype+'.xml'


    SET @TblName1 = '['+@TblName1+']'


    Declare @SQuery nvarchar(3000)


    Set @SQuery = 'bcp "EXEC test..free_CustomsDistrict_HS4_TEST '+@TblName1+', '+@District+', '+@Month+', '+@RepType+'" QueryOut "' + @fName + '" -c -T -r -t'


    Exec master..xp_cmdshell @SQuery

    ************End Code*************

    When I execute this query, it creates a file “2006exp-21-6-2.xml”.


    The need the query to create 46x12x11 = 6072 files for all the combinations of 3 parameters.

  • Already answered here


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Thank you very much. I just posted a reply on the other form for errors I got when I parsed.

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