Nested Iif expression...

  • I'm trying to figure out the syntax on an RS expression, but keep getting compile error msgs. Example below:

    If Title value = "Director" OR Title value = "Mgr" AND IF SupervisorName value = "Jane Smith" THEN "Las Vegas" ELSE IF SupervisorName value = "John Doe" THEN "Ft. Laud" ELSE SupervisorName Value


    IF Title value <> "Director" AND Title value <> "Mgr" THEN

    "No Manager"

    What would be the RS syntax for a nested if statement?



  • try using the CASE/WHEN clause, it's well documented in BOL

  • John,

    Try using SWITCH(). It looks at pairs of comma delimited conditions (first half of pair is check condition, second half is true result) and selects the result based on the first true check condition it encounters.

    Here are your conditions organized into a SWITCH expression.


    (Title value = "Director" OR Title value = "Mgr" ) AND SupervisorName value = "Jane Smith" ,"Las Vegas" ,

    (Title value = "Director" OR Title value = "Mgr" ) AND SupervisorName value = "John Doe", "Ft. Laud" ,

    (Title value = "Director" OR Title value = "Mgr" ), SupervisorName Value,

    Title value <> "Director" AND Title value <> "Mgr", "No Manager"


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]toolman[/font]
    [font="Arial Narrow"]Numbers 6:24-26[/font]

  • Never heard of the SWITCH function but I'll give it a go.

    BTW, what's BOL?

    thx fellas.

  • BOL is books online (just the help documentation)

    I had never heard of switch either.

  • Documentation for SWITCH() is here

    VB functions in general here

    Happy hunting!! 😀

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]toolman[/font]
    [font="Arial Narrow"]Numbers 6:24-26[/font]

  • Hei,

    Reporting server supports conditional statement 'iif' only...not if..

    iif(Condition,value if true,vlaue if false)

  • RS itself, not SQL Server, writes in VB.Net syntax. If you know that, it makes life easier because you can search for help in Google or books. I use IIF too.

  • I believe you would want your syntax to look something like I have listed below;

    =iif(Fields!title.value = "Director", "Las Vegas", "Fort Laud")

    the "Fields!title.value" is the text box on your report that has the data you want to evaluate, Even though this is just looking at one value. You should be able to nest the conditional "IIF" statement to evaluate multiple statements. You can find the syntax in books-online under "Adding Conditional formatting".

    Good Luck!

  • Hey Toolman, I like that script lookup, very good!

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