need urgent help on a calculation

  • Dear friends,

    I have to do a calcuation for field Duration using the formula as below-

    (Temporary Assignment End Date field - Target Start Date field)/30.

    and I need to Format the result of the formula as numeric, display to two decimal places.

    the database has the 2 fields in the type and format as -

    Req# Target Start Date ( DATETIME) example:2012-08-01 00:00:00.000

    Temporary Assignment End Date ( NVARCHAR9255)) example: 09-01-2014

    Need urgent hlep to solve this using SQL please since I'm new to SQL.

    kind Regards


  • Apparently all of your requirements are urgent and you haven't learned much from SQL in the last 7 months you've been around here.

    Please post DDL, sample data and expected results to get some help.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Try this...

    --== TEST DATA ==--

    SET DATEFORMAT DMY -- Assumes 09 = day, 01 = month

    DECLARE @testing AS TABLE (

    TargetStartDate DateTime,

    TemporaryAssignmentEndDate nvarchar(255)


    INSERT INTO @testing VALUES ('01 Aug 2012', '09-01-2014')

    --== TRY THIS ==--

    SELECT *,

    CAST(TemporaryAssignmentEndDate as DateTime),

    Duration_Days = DATEDIFF(dd, TargetStartDate,CAST(TemporaryAssignmentEndDate as DateTime)),

    Duration = DATEDIFF(dd, TargetStartDate,CAST(TemporaryAssignmentEndDate as DateTime))/30

    FROM @testing

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