August 13, 2013 at 11:47 am
Dear friends,
I have to do a calcuation for field Duration using the formula as below-
(Temporary Assignment End Date field - Target Start Date field)/30.
and I need to Format the result of the formula as numeric, display to two decimal places.
the database has the 2 fields in the type and format as -
Req# Target Start Date ( DATETIME) example:2012-08-01 00:00:00.000
Temporary Assignment End Date ( NVARCHAR9255)) example: 09-01-2014
Need urgent hlep to solve this using SQL please since I'm new to SQL.
kind Regards
August 13, 2013 at 12:03 pm
Apparently all of your requirements are urgent and you haven't learned much from SQL in the last 7 months you've been around here.
Please post DDL, sample data and expected results to get some help.
August 13, 2013 at 12:08 pm
Try this...
--== TEST DATA ==--
SET DATEFORMAT DMY -- Assumes 09 = day, 01 = month
TargetStartDate DateTime,
TemporaryAssignmentEndDate nvarchar(255)
INSERT INTO @testing VALUES ('01 Aug 2012', '09-01-2014')
--== TRY THIS ==--
CAST(TemporaryAssignmentEndDate as DateTime),
Duration_Days = DATEDIFF(dd, TargetStartDate,CAST(TemporaryAssignmentEndDate as DateTime)),
Duration = DATEDIFF(dd, TargetStartDate,CAST(TemporaryAssignmentEndDate as DateTime))/30
FROM @testing
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