Need to take one row with max of id from a table with multiple rows with same data

  • hi,

    i have a table with few columns


    table source (id,memno,date_trans,name1,name2,x,yz..)

    after querying on some conditions i get the result in destination table

    Table destination has columns (id int (identity),memNo varchar, date_trans varchar)

    the data is coming as

    id memno date_trans

    1 3456A 11/09/09

    2 3456A 11/09/09

    3 3456B 12/09/09

    4 3456B 14/09/09

    5 3456A 10/1/09

    6 345D5 10/2/09

    7 3456B 14/09/09

    now from this table, i need

    ---only one row which has same memno and date_tran and max of id

    ---if memno is same for 2 records with date as different they need to stay

    like in above i need result as

    id memno date_trans

    2 3456A 11/09/09

    3 3456B 12/09/09

    5 3456A 10/1/09

    6 345D5 10/2/09

    7 3456B 14/09/09

    can some one help me out with the query to delete the rows which are matching and have only those needed.



  • The easiest way is to use GROUP BY

    SELECT MAX(id) AS id,memNo,date_trans

    FROM @tbl

    GROUP BY memNo,date_trans

    ORDER BY MAX(id)

    Side note: It is bad practice to store date values as varchar, especially when using a format like you did. Example:

    '11/09/09' could be September 9th 2011, September 11th 2009, or November 9th 2009. Also, you'll slow down any query against that column if you run any kind of date comparison, since you couldn't benefit from any kind of index that might exist.

    I strongly recommend to change the column to DATETIME or, since you're obviously using SS2K8 (you posted in a 2K8 forum), you should use the DATE data type.

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  • Another method, just because I like segment operators:


    TABLE (


    memno CHAR(5) NOT NULL,

    date_trans DATETIME NOT NULL,

    UNIQUE (memno DESC, date_trans DESC, id DESC)



    (id, memno, date_trans)

    SELECT 1, '3456A', '20090911' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '3456A', '20090911' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '3456B', '20090912' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '3456B', '20090914' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, '3456A', '20090110' UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, '345D5', '20090210' UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, '3456B', '20090914';




    FROM @T T1

    WHERE =



    FROM @T T2

    WHERE T2.memno = T1.memno

    AND T2.date_trans = T1.date_trans



  • thanks a lot guys for directing me.

    it helped.

    also, i made up the dummy data ,but date field is date type only in my table and not varchar.(thanks for the advice though!)

  • check this...

    select *

    from (select row_number() over(partition by memno, date_trans

    order by id desc) my_rowid,

    id, memno, date_trans

    from<tablename> ) a

    wheremy_rowid = 1

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