Need to see log history of scheduled jobs

  • Hi,

    We have a issue with the option  "View Job History" for couple of the Schedule sql jobs, it gives the message "There is no history information for this job " though the job are running succcessully as per schedule, but it shows up the history for other jobs

    Any idea what would be the cause for this ? 

    Also to track down the reason for failure of the jobs we would like to have "Job History" for 14 days, pls advice if there is an option to get it.

    Thanks in Advance



  • Is the job a DTS package? or is a regular maintenance job? If DTS, you can set a log for the DTS which track every step of the package and appends the history to the file. Set the log in the package properties, logging tab.

    If a maintenace job, go to SQL log to check it out, or set the logging in event viewer when the mainteneca job is created. I hope this helps. Good luck!!

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