need to search all text columns for some content

  • I need to search all the varchat columns of our tables.

    If one of these columns has the value 'ABC' in it, then I need to change that content to 'abc'.

    I'm not a DBA person. I'm am application developer. Can anyone get me started on this?

  • Well, the work (and script) amount depends on your columns number. If you had a lot of them then I suggest you to write cursor which brings you table and column names by one value (@table_name, @column_name) from the table wich holds all columns with the varchar data type( you must create it). In the midle of the cursor you can write a little script to search the value you are interested in and if you find it begin to update that column value.

    Simple schema could be like this:

    The begin of the cursor

    (Gives you  first value)

        searching column values

             on success begin update

       (brings next value and goes to searching step)

    The end of the cursor


    Maybe I didn't mention about some details, but something like that

    Hope this helps

  • OK, one quick question before I post some code for you:

    Is your SQL install a case sensitive instance?

    If not, why would you need to update all that data? Just modify the data in the presentation layer if absolutely necessary. If you have a case sensitive instance, let me know, I 'll post the code.



    Rogue DBA

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