Need to scrub every column of every table in DB

  • I need to parse every column of every table in my database and replace any commas with spaces

  • Extend the procedure from Antares in your previous thread "parsing a column to replace all commas with spaces".

    Add an cursor in the loop :

    SELECT id FROM sysobjects where type='U'

    --Returns the ID from all of the 'USER' tables

    Use the ID it returns instead of the 'OBJECTID("yourtablenamehere") part...

  • This is what I came up with:

    DECLARE @maxcol int

    DECLARE @posmark int

    DECLARE @col VARCHAR(255)

    declare @cname varchar(255)

    declare tablecursor CURSOR for

    SELECT id FROM sysobjects where type = 'U'

    open tablecursor

    fetch next from tablecursor into @cname

    declare @tablename varchar(255)

    declare tablename CURSOR for

    SELECT name FROM sysobjects where type = 'U'

    open tablename

    fetch next from tablename into @tablename

    SET @posmark = 0

    SET @maxcol = (select max([colid]) from syscolumns WHERE [id] = @cname)

    WHILE @posmark < @maxcol


    SET @posmark = @posmark + 1

    --If this is SQL 7 SP3 or lower you need to check for colid found in loop as there may not a sequential list.

    SET @col = (SELECT [name] FROM syscolumns WHERE colid = @posmark AND [id] = @cname)

    print @col

    print 'this is before the statement '+ @cname

    EXECUTE ('UPDATE'+ @tablename +'SET [' + @col + '] = REPLACE([' + @col + '], '','', '' '')')

    print 'this is after the statement '+ @cname

    fetch next from tablecursor into @cname

    fetch next from tablename into @tablename


    close tablecursor

    close tablename

    deallocate tablecursor

    deallocate tablename

    There are some "print" statements in there to verify that the variable is being passed which it is but I'm getting the following error at the EXECUTE statement:

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.

    Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

  • It's hard to read. Do you have spaces afteer UPDATE and before SET on the dynamic SQL statement?

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Or to make things easiest and reuse code use the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure, it will cursor thru all the user tables without you having to code for it. You just plug the code I provided last thread properly with ? in place of yourtablenamehere and you have to double single quotes up with the code to be used.

    This is what you would have.

    -----------Start Code----------

    sp_MSForEachTable '

    DECLARE @maxcol int

    DECLARE @posmark int

    DECLARE @col VARCHAR(255)

    SET @posmark = 0

    SET @maxcol = (select max([colid]) from syscolumns WHERE [id] = OBJECT_ID(''?''))

    WHILE @posmark < @maxcol


    SET @posmark = @posmark + 1

    --If this is SQL 7 SP3 or lower you need to check for colid found in loop as there may not a sequential list.

    SET @col = (SELECT [name] FROM syscolumns WHERE colid = @posmark AND [id] = OBJECT_ID(''?''))

    EXECUTE (''UPDATE ? ['' + @col + ''] = REPLACE(['' + @col + ''], '''','''', '''' '''')'')


    -----------End Code----------

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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