Need to get 1 row/record

  • I've got table with thousands of records, and like to have for each asset 1 record returned (Most recent record)

    Every asset is sending data every 3 hours to this table and I would like to get the most recent record returned.

    I've got logdate time column however if I use Max (logdatetime) it returns every record for that machine.

    I've used sub query where I first find the most recent record for particular asset, and then use WHERE clausule to return

    the other columns from that table, that does not work.

    Sample query I used

    select CompName, JobName, LoggedOnUser, Status, IPSubnetSiteDesc, logDateTime from tblSample (NOLOCK)

    where logDateTime IN (SELECT MAX(logdatetime) from tblSample (NOLOCK)

    where CompName = 'DIMP126'

    group by compname)

    this returns 2 records, it makes sense if another record has same logdate time.

    this table contains info about 100,000 assets and I like to have the most recent info for each asset.

    any idea or suggestion are welcome.

  • I take it that the CompName column contains the name of the asset? If so, just remove the WHERE clause - you want to return data for all assets, not just the one specified in your query.


    Edit: Actually, you want something like this:

    select CompName, JobName, LoggedOnUser, Status, IPSubnetSiteDesc, logDateTime from tblSample s

    JOIN (SELECT CompName, MAX(logdatetime) from tblSample

    group by compname) m

    ON m.logdatetime = s.logdatetime

    AND m.CompName = s.CompName

    Oh, and don't use NOLOCK in production code unless you don't mind getting inaccurate results.

  • Hi John,

    thx for the quick response, that did the trick.

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