Need to delete first character of a string

  • Hello,

    In a table, I have a varchar(100) field called 'StreetName' in a table called 'tblStreetData' in which the actual street name record can ocassionally be prefixed with 'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' in order to designate a point of direction. The prefixes are always followed by a space and then the street name.

    I need to delete these prefixes and remove the space from such records. I just started working on this, and I think I need to use LTRIM with an UPDATE statement in some way.

    Any ideas?



  • This example uses 788, 567, and 577 instead of N,S,E,W. Replace 4 & -4 with 2 & -2, and 5 with 3.

    USE pubs

    SELECT stor_address,

    CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(stor_address,0,4) IN('788','567','577') THEN SUBSTRING(stor_address,5,LEN(stor_address)-4) ELSE stor_address END

    AS CutAddress

    FROM stores


    Everett Wilson

  • update tblStreetData

    set streetName =

    case when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'N ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'S ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'E ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'W ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    else streetName


    from tblStreetData a

    BUT... if the table is huge:

    I would avoid doing an update. I would try to do an insert into a new table. drop the old table and then rename the new table. Something like that.

    insert into newTable ()


    case when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'N ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'S ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'E ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    when substring(a.streetName,1,2) = 'W ' then substring(a.streetName,3,len(a.streetName)-2)

    else streetName

    end as streetName,

    [other fields here]

    from tblStreetData a

    drop table tblStreetData


    master.dbo.sp_rename [dbName].dbo.newTable [dbName].dbo.tblStreetData

    oops... I was beat to it.

    Edited by - jraha on 06/12/2003 3:21:20 PM

  • Thanks for your help!


  • Noting that you say they only occasionally contain the prefixes, another option that will only issue updates against rows that fit the criteria is:

    update tblStreetData
    set StreetName = SUBSTRING(StreetName, 3, LEN(StreetName)-2)
    where StreetName LIKE '[NEWS] %'

    - Mark

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